Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Sounding Off on Bill Brown

My philosophy is to issue CCWs sparingly, according to our policy, if there is a valid reason.

And you're the sole arbiter of what's valid, right, Sheriff?

This is the text version of the "web paper" story I linked to earlier.

I registered and added this comment:
I guess the real question here–and it flat out baffles me that no one from the media has looked into this–is why did NRA endorse Brown for sheriff and give him their coveted “A” rating, which is supposed to be reserved for 2nd Amendment champions? Why did they mail postcards to their members and supporters informing them of this? Why did they encourage their members to support Brown? How many members donated time and money to the Brown campaign based on this endorsement? How many voted for Brown and encouraged their gun owner friends to do so as well?

And most importantly, now that Brown’s philosophy has been revealed in practice (and to my knowledge, he never hid it to begin with or changed positions after elected–in other words, he has always been publicly pretty consistent in his opposition to concealed carry), why is NRA now silent on this, ignoring long time members who ask them to explain themselves?

I’d like to attribute this to a political mistake, but anyone with just a little knowledge about the Association’s past practices can tell you this is not the first time “A” ratings have been awarded to undeserving candidates–and not the first time questions about this practice have been ignored.

So how about it, Daily Sound–are you going to call NRA and ask them for the record why they endorsed Brown? If not, why not?

Feel free to add your own comments to their site--maybe if enough people show interest and lead them by the nose to a story, the "authorized journalists" will ask a pointed question or two.

More on Bill Brown

[Via Larry Rankin and Russ Howard]

1 comment:

E. David Quammen said...

It is quite simple really. The NRA has a proven track record of subverting the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

It was started by, and has had continual influence from, those in government. Whether employed in government at the time, or formerly employed.

It is a shill organization endeavoring to undermine the whole intended original purposes of Amendment II. And, their track record more than proves this.

Dump the NRA, and support any other organization which supports the TRUE intent of Amendment II, (Such as G.O.A. and J.P.F.O., etc.).

Any "Rights" organization should adhere to this;

"The First Law of Nature is that every man ought to endeavour peace, as far as he has hope of obtaining it; and when he cannot obtain it, that he may seek and use all helps and advantages of war."

- Thomas Hobbs, "Leviathan", (Outlines the Laws of Nature), 1651.

If an organization doesn't support the First Law of Nature. (The same laws that our Declaration and Constitution are BASED upon). Then they don't deserve every man's, (and woman's), support. The same applies to ALL political candidates.....