Sunday, March 25, 2007

I Actually Called in Sick to Finish it

Unintended Consequences truly is required reading for gun owners, and for people who take their liberty and freedoms seriously. (I know I just said "required reading" and I mean it. THIS MEANS YOU!) (No, seriously, buy it now!)

ExistingThing reviews a book.

I think he likes it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When that book came out in 1996 I was oblivious the BATF's "War on Guns" and on firearms in general. I am U.S. merchant seaman. A third mate on a ship back in 1996 was a Second Amendment advocate and incouraged me to read that novel just as David Codrea is encouraging his readers to read that book. I started reading it and could not put it down. The first quarter part of the novel develops the characters in the most uniquely suspenseful manner necessary to prepare you for the the rest of the hair-rasing events in the novel. That novel is the very reason that started my question my lack of awareness on the status of firearms in the United States. BE FOREWARNED! Please give due notice to any other oblivious citizen that there comes an unshakeable burden, a need to investigate the subject matter presented in that novel. And such an investigation will lead to a life-long pursuit of education such as I have encountered until one day life present an opportunity to take the U.S. Government in the federal courts as I did back in 2002 with a relentless, never back down, drive for justice. Mine is a pursuit of justice for Second Amendment rights for American merchant seamen in intrastate and interstate travel comparing the Second Amendment to "right to life" provisions of international human rights conventions and declarations of the United Nations, especial the Genocide Conventions in my own effort (without an attorney because no attorney has the courage to step up to the plate) to prove the Second Amendment is an absolute right. READ THAT NOVEL IN THE NAME OF FREEDOM!