Thursday, March 08, 2007

Manic Depressives for Gun Control

Rosie O'Donnell says she began being treated for depression after the Columbine school shootings and hangs upside down for up to a half-hour a day to improve her mental state. [More]
And this head case thinks the rest of us are too unstable to be trusted with guns. Hers was another profile in "A Judgment Call," my Rights Watch column in the March 2005 issue of GUNS Magazine:
Who can forget Rosie O'Donnell ambushing actor Tom Selleck on her talk show, because he lent his likeness and support to the NRA? A Million Mom emcee, her most notorious proclamation came after the Columbine shootings, where she raged "Outlaw all guns, and put all gun owners in jail!" "I am one of the haunted," Rosie admits. "I think I have been depressed for years. It runs in my family, along with alcoholism and an absurd ability to deny the obvious."


Kent McManigal said...

I'm glad to see a hoplophobe finally admit that their hatred of guns comes from a mental illness. Now it is time for the rest of them to step up and make the admission.

Anonymous said...

I always did think that Rose was a little "batty"!

E. David Quammen said...

Rosies problems are the result of living contrary to "the Laws of nature and of natures God". The same reckless disregard of those laws, is why our whole country, (if not the world). Are having the problems that we see presently....

Anonymous said...


i, too, know what depression can do. oddly enough, even at my worst i never thought that having power and self-determination shorn from me would make me feel any better.

i know what it's like to consider suicide, even, as a serious option. yet i never thought that having it --- or any other thing that power and agency could be used for, if i so chose --- denied me by force would in any way improve my life.

having a lot of options available to choose from is a good thing, in the majority of cases. not every option will be a good option, no, but telling good from bad is what competent adults are supposed to do all day. we don't need others to do that for us; if we did, we would be children! or slaves. free adults are supposed to be free even to make mistakes --- yes, even awfully bad mistakes, for better and worse. that's how life works!

perhaps ms. O'Donnell doesn't feel quite as adult as all that. too bad for her. i still want my options available!

BobG said...

"I am one of the haunted," Rosie admits. "I think I have been depressed for years. It runs in my family, along with alcoholism and an absurd ability to deny the obvious."

Hell, we already knew she was crazy...

Difster said...

And yet she will still want us to listen to her opinions and take her seriously.

Oh, but she's recovered now. She's better. NOW we can take her seriously and her opinions carry more weight (do NOT pardon the pun).

Fits said...

She expects us to believe there's a block and tackle sturdy enough?

me said...

you forgot the fangs.

I'm glad she doesn't trust herself with a gun, because I sure as hell wouldn't trust her with one.

If only would could get the mentally ill out of the media now....

David Codrea said...

Per this website:
*Son Parker Jaren adopted in 1995
*Daughter Chelsea Belle adopted in 1997
*Son Blake Carpenter adopted in 1999
*Vivienne Rose O'Donnell born to Rosie's partner Kelli Carpenter in 2002.