[Click on image to enlarge]A University of Washington researcher was shot to death in her office Monday morning by a former boyfriend who then turned the gun on himself, police said...
The 26-year-old woman was granted a restraining order last month against Jonathan Rowan, according to court documents.
That's strange...I wonder where
UW spokesman Norm Arkans is--or was at the time of the shooting:
“This is a learning institution, and there is really no need or cause to possess a weapon on campus,” Arkans said. “Not allowing guns on campus contributes to public safety and greatly reduces the risk of anything happening, accidental or otherwise.”
Right you are, Norm. Imagine what might have happened if Ms. Griego had been armed.
Yeah, just imagine, David. We might have had a dead criminal instead of a dead innocent victim. Can't have that, you know. Bad for the Bradys and their socialist agenda.
What's one more dead innocent anyway?
After all, the wheels of the progressive utopia need greasing ....
You know what I've heard since this happened? "Why didn't that thug obey the restraining order?" All last night, all this morning.
I am sick of brainless people who don't realize that people bent on murder don't give a rip about laws. How many more of these murders will we put up with before people are allowed to defend themselves?
"Wittmier said he didn't believe campus police were aware of the restraining order against Rowan. He also said Rowan likely did not have permission to carry a handgun on campus."
He should be punished for breaking the rules.
"In terms of police action, there wasn't much the police could have done to prevent it," Roseth said. "Whether there are other things she could have done is a matter of conjecture."
You can't prove that if she were armed with a gun that she would have survived. So, there!
Favoraite quotes:
"He also said he did not think the man had permission to carry a handgun on campus, where firearms are banned."
Well he should be arrested then... what's that? He's already dead? Oh, never mind then...
"No one wanted to really think it was real"
Student Meghan Pinch, 27 after hearing several gunshots.
Gee Meghan glad to see your feet so firmly planted in reality at 27 years old. My seven year old has better sense.
It's almost as if this guy had no regard for the law.....
Should have written favorite.
Proof reading is our friend...
"You can't prove that if she were armed with a gun that she would have survived. So, there!"
Yeah, well she really couldn't have come out much worse now could she?
Let Norm know how you feel:
Norm Arkans
Executive Director
Gould Hall Videocast...
The shooter surely thought he had permission as required by the posted school policy. Why else would the university supply such a target rich environment of defenseless victims and potential victims?
Arkans was probably his hero.
My email to Mr. Arkans: Subject line: "Now that you have participated in a murder,
how do you feel about it?
Below is a response I made to an item on the story of your statements regarding firearms on campus and the university policy. As you can see, I went from talking about you, to talking to you, somewhere along the way. My contempt for you got the better of me. If you have the courage, read on.
The shooter surely thought he had permission as required by the posted school policy. Why else would the university supply such a target rich environment of defenseless victims and potential victims?
Arkans was probably his hero. As an enabler of murderers, rapists and assaulters Mr. Arkans may have equals, but he most definitely has no superiors.
Anybody willing to bet whether he sees the light or calls for more restrictions on the innocent to make them even more helpless? I vote for the stupidity of his clinging to his failed fantasy. His earlier statements have already proven him incapable of logic. An intelligent man can see what is wrong with his position. What does that say about the enabler of ruffians, rapists, murderers, robbers and general thugs?
Yes, Mr. Arkans, you own a portion of the blame for this young woman's murder. And so does everyone of your ilk who forces defenselessness upon others to satisfy some twisted agenda of how "it ought to be" instead of dealing with the reality of "how it is".
How do you feel knowing you helped kill a young woman? Had this young woman had the ability to arm herself and had others in the vicinity been able to be armed, she may not now be dead. Even if the killer had managed to be successful under those conditions the murder of the lady would be his and his alone. But because you helped him, you must share the guilt.
When will you people ever grow up?
Less than respectfully,
(signed with my real name.)
I read this story and mentioned to my spouse- an "only ones" type of the first sort:"Look at that, a young woman killed by her faith in a piece of paper."
I'm pretty certain she didn't get it...
"that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed...." - Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Cartwright. [Washington ed. vii, 356. < M. 1824 >. 1728. CONSTITUTIONS (American), Characteristics of. -- JCE1728.
Yeah, right.....
I agree with the sentiment, but is everyone sure that college students ought to be able to have guns on campus? I'm a bit concerned that the maturity level of the average college student isn't all that much better than that of a high school student. In my experience the college age trouble causers aren't hardened criminals, they're just idiots who might be kept from doing more damage by relatively tight gun rules.
Obviously, this case involves non-students, so it's not exactly the same, but if it has to be all or nothing (anyone vs. no one can have a gun on campus), we ought to move forward with caution. College students, with little motivation and little responsibility (especially if mommy and daddy are paying the bills) might not be the best people on earth to be carting guns around, for the same reasons that we don't allow ten-year-olds to carry concealed handguns.
SA--please email me his reply if you get one, so I can post it?
So, now you are equating legal adults with 10 year olds?
Who decides who gets to carry? That's the crux of the matter. My reading of the Constitution leads me to believe that ANY laws or rules infringing on the bearing of arms is illegal. In fact I agree with it. Heck, we have all met some incredibly immature people who carry weapons, and yes I am talking legally, as part of their jobs.
Renn, I suppose I am in some sense. The cut-off age between legal adult and minor seems rather arbitrary, but I suppose it's all we got. You're right about there being lots of immature people who legally own guns, and in any case it's elitist to say that certain categories of people shouldn't be able to own guns (not to mention unconstitutional). I guess my point is that in terms of priorities of the gun lobby, college campuses shouldn't be near the top... a focus on workplaces and shopping malls makes more sense to me.
David Codrea said...
SA--please email me his reply if you get one, so I can post it?
Will do, if I get one. Checked this morn, so far no answer. I expect none. I imagine he became uncomfortable early on with less than adoration apparent in my message and hit the panic er, uh, delete button.
We'll see.
To 1894c: your attack--
"Gee Meghan glad to see your feet so firmly planted in reality at 27 years old. My seven year old has better sense. "
on my quote in the media re Rebecca Griego's death--
"No one wanted to really think it was real"
-- was completely tasteless, offensive and downright stupid. That reporter stuck a microphone in my face literally 3 minutes after I had found out who had been shot and I did not want to believe that one of my close friends and coworkers had been killed. That is a natural, honest, in-the-moment reaction to a shock of that sort, which I imagine you have never had. If you heard gun shots of your seven-year old getting shot you wouldn't want to believe it was real, either. Those types of feelings are known as denial-- the first stage of grief-- which apparently you know nothing about. Shame on you for being so judgmental of me in such a difficult moment. And shame on your for making this death, a very personal issue for me and many people in my community, simply a platform for you to toot your own horn about your views on gun control. The callous way in which you have co-opted Rebecca's death to further your cause is despicable, not to mention completely ineffective. When you read these stories in the media, keep in mind that real people with real emotions and real connections to the victim exist beyond the simple, glossed-over image painted by the media, and none of us are the least bit interested in how our friend's death makes some backwoods yahoo feel better about his viewpoints.
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