Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Lies, Damned Lies and Joyce Foundation Statistics

“When asked directly whether ‘gun control laws should be stricter, making it harder for people to purchase firearms’ as a result of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, 76.5 percent backed this idea and only 16 percent endorsed less strict gun controls,” said Smith. The findings are in “Public Attitudes Toward the Regulation of Firearms,” a study funded by Chicago’s Joyce Foundation as part of the 2006 GSS survey.
The Joyce Foundation said it, I believe it, that settles it.


This truly needs a John Lott type to give it the debunking it deserves, but I will say it's evident the survey group didn't have a clue as to what they profess beliefs in, which always allows for the results one wishes to produce. It's also clear what they thought they knew was merely regurguitated sound bites from mainstream propaganda conditioning.

I know it's wrong to judge books by their covers, but I can't help but look at Tom W. Smith and wonder what the hell good he'd be if someone decided to commit savage violence in front of him.

What I see is another advocate of disarming you and me who doesn't have the guts to try it himself, another "anti-gun male."

Another "Judas goat."

[Via Vinnie]


Anonymous said...

Yea, sure I believe this from the University of Chicago,a long time and well known hot bed of communists. Who did he poll, the wimps infesting the Gold Coast?

E. David Quammen said...

" a result of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, 76.5 percent backed this idea and only 16 percent endorsed less strict gun controls,” said Smith."

Guns sales records would refute this soundly. Problem is, the BATF are the ones with the actual records. They know how many are manufactured here, for domestic sales and for export. The most up to date report is 2005.

There was a very big rise in sales right after 9/11. As well as after the expiration of the "Assault weapons ban". And, it is happening again because of the demonrat infiltration into both house and senate. And, due to the potential of Hitlery ascending into power, sales are rising again. All one has to do is go to one of the major gun shows to see the validity of this.

When I was manager of a shop. I personally sold a very large amount of firearms to first time buyers. Ones that were 'liberals' whom had 'seen the light'. Talking with others in the industry, I found that we were not alone. But, that it was a nation-wide trend. A very large amount of the new gun owners are women. I've even sold tactical shotguns to little old ladies. Who wanted to leave a 'lasting impression'.

All that this 'study' is, is a subversive tactic. They are using the age old "sheep" mentality ruse; 'Keeping up (or falling down) with the Jone's'. Or, 'follow the leader', if you will.

The BATF report of guns domestically manufactured, imported and exported is a PDF file. This one is for 2005 -

Annual Firearms Manufacturers And Export Report - 2005

The full stats for the period between 1998-2005, can be found here -

Annual Firearms Manufacturers And Export Report(s) - (1998-2005)

At first glance, there appears to be a drop in arms manufactured in 2005. In comparison to the amount in 2004. But, I didn't put the calculator to the actual #'s, so I could be mistaken.

But, having pointed all that out. David's summation is obviously the correct one. The Joyce Foundation is nothing other than a group, (an extensive network actually), of anti-freedom and liberty advocates. Would not believe a damn thing that they claim.....