Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Big words from someone who HAS NO idea what goes on there. NO IDEA AT ALL. I would take the opportunity to enlighten you a bit, but you've already made up your mind, what little of it you possess. Do you have ANY idea how ASSNINE you sound wishing for me to LOSE MY JOB? I don't make policy there you moron, nor did I have any choice as to where I was assigned, you DUMMY. But this job that you hope I lose, feeds MY family, pays MY mortgage, MY taxes, and MY bills. Can YOU say the same? Or would it be better if I was POS illegal alien CREATING the crime instead of helping to curb it. You anarchist types kill me. I wasn't rah rahing for anybody. I was simply giving ANOTHER PERSPECTIVE as someone who sees it on a day to day basis. But again, that all appears to be lost on you, chump. So instead of maybe talking to me like a man/woman/other, and maybe getting some background, you decided to take a cheap shot. WOW, did that make you feel superior? ....wants me to lose my job.....what a LOSER!
A BATFU contract network engineer gets all defensive in a Red's thread over at Liberty Post.

Maybe this should be our next poll.

What would you rather do:
Boot the BATFE
Make sure rf396 can pay his bills?

Take all the time you need to think this through, now...


Anonymous said...

This BATFEces puke brags about how he supports his family on the money he makes. As far as I'm concerned, he supports his family on BLOOD MONEY!

Anonymous said...

Another thing: It's been said that when the gov't boot is onyour neck, it makes little difference whether it is a left boot or a right boot. But that puts me in the perfect position to shoot his testicles off!

David Codrea said...

Here's his last post:

Nope you sure didnt say what I quoted. But then, you didn't real read it either. But I would like to thank you very much on behalf of everyone here at the Division HQ. You have no idea and frankly neither did I, just how much entertainment you provided for them. I also must say that their tatics are really good. They told me everything to say to you to elicit the correct response and they were dead on. You almost gave it up word for word in some cases. But, in the end you turned out to the be the sniffling little cowardly America hater they said you would be. But then as I said, You can't tell a liberal ANYTHING. They know ALL the answers!! ROFL! Well, it's been a blast it really has, but if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to JOB (something you probably wouldn't know about) helping to put bad people away, (in my small way) so that little drips like you who wouldn't lift a finger to save even themselves can be safe. You have your self a good ol U.S.A. day. GO TROOPS!!

He has to get back to his job? Is he posting to boards on the taxpayer's dime? Oh well, I guess I'd rather he did that than focus on aiding and abetting in the rape of his countrymen's rights.

Anonymous said...

Clearly this fool has been hanging around the jack boots for far too long. Calling his fellow citizens "America haters" for wanting to disband an unconstitutional, rogue agency is indefensible. Look at the arrogance, the hubris, the smugness that comes from their feeling of superiority and untouchability. Sickening. I, for one, would never take a government job. I would work three or four menial jobs to pay the bills before I would even consider working for evil. This dude has sold his soul, he got his thirty pieces of silver and now he has to live with himself. He copes with that fact by bonding with his masters.

BobG said...

I still say most of the staff of the BATFE should be put to work doing something useful, like guarding our southern border.

Ryan Horsley said...

Ok, since he is discussing jobs. What about MY job, what about my employees jobs, which I have had to let go of because of these senseless attacks by the BATFE. What about the jobs of dealers and their employees nationwide that are in jeopardy because they want to revoke licenses for minor paperwork errors.

Anonymous said...

I doubt he's actually with the ATF, but in the offchance that he is, there's more than enough rope and trees for this piece of ****.

- Mike B.

Anonymous said...


He thinks we dream of being the subject of the next BATFE siege.


If the BATFE come knocking on my door after a general ban, they will find an empty house, an empty bank account, and an automotive paper trail that ends in a cash sale.

At that point, I will go hunting ... hunting for pukes like him, the assholes who hired him, and the politicians that appointed them.

He will pray for a return of the days when his agency merely harrassed the gun culture.

E. David Quammen said...

rf396 - Molôn Labé scumbag! You are nothing more than a parasitic TRAITOROUS underling. Employed as a minion-cog for the engine of destruction of freedom and liberty.

What's the annual stipend for selling your soul, and betraying your fellow citizens? B.I.H. you vulture.

Fits said...

Sort of gave me the chills. I remember being inundated with Nazi atrocity information as a kid, and hearing the death camp guards...

Saying pretty much the same thing at the Nuremberg Trials.

We're from the government so all we do is right.