Thursday, April 12, 2007


Or some such.

I mean, heck, the Harvard School of Public Health wouldn't have an agenda, or anything, would it?
"Removing all firearms from one's home is one of the most effective and straightforward steps that household decision-makers can take to reduce the risk of suicide," Matthew Miller, assistant professor of health policy and management, said in a prepared statement.
Well, maybe it would.

Just one thing, though, Prof. Miller: What are you going to do about these guys?


Kent McManigal said...

So, the acquaintance I had who killed himself by taking sleeping pills then duct-taping a garbage bag over his head would still be alive if only the kindly government had made certain he had no guns in his home? Yeah. That makes sense. How do they explain the suicide rate in hoplophobic Japan?

E. David Quammen said...

The fact that Bloomberg has a connection to Johns Hopkins. Which has an obvious tie-in with Harvard School of Public Health;

Is enough for me to question ANYTHING that spews forth from them.

It is becoming more and more apparent that the institutions of (supposed) 'higher learning'. Are the ones where our politicians, (and lawyers, media, etc.), are being trained for the agenda.

How does one battle 'educational' institutions? Especially old ones backed by big money?

Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson and others tangled with these very sytems. They chose to fight for the 'common man', however.

Anonymous said...

"See your local Communist block captain for further instructions on how to remove firearms from your home, or call 1-800-BAN-GUNS."

"This message brought to you by the Harvard School of Communist Public Health and the Communist Ad Council"

Anonymous said...

Some friends and I were just discussing suicide several days ago. Using a gun was at the bottom of the list.

What a crock. If you're gonna you're gonna and not having a gun will make absolutely no difference.