Black lawmakers are demanding a police investigation of a banner held at Tuesday's run rights rally in the state Capitol.Zoinks! Did they pass out Scooby Snacks?
Notes to our side:
- It's "hanged."
- The Tree of Liberty has nothing to do with lynching, and it's certainly not "just a figure of speech."

- You truly are dangerously incompetent.
- I can't really disagree with Mr. Jefferson's "manure" analogy.
anyone have an email address for this ignorant arrogant jackass?
"If the government gives you the right to bear arms, the government can give you restrictions on how you handle yourself to have the right to bear arms. And my bill doesn't do anything to hurt anybody. It's just a registry so we can find out who's buying, who's selling, who has at all times," said Rep. Cruz.
So, it is a good thing that the government does not GIVE us any rights, so it has zero authority to regulate or restrict them in any way, isn't it. Pin-head!
"Just a registry to find out who's buying and selling"
How about "The tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots".
Harkening to the "Boiled Frog" analogy - when will enough (way to much) be too much? Is there a line in the sand (blue helmets)?
At what point will a meaningful number of "patriots" rise up and refuse to be marginalized?
Is it even possible anymore?
Remember WACO
Fight islam Now
Jeez, some people like to pop up the racist card for everything, no matter what it is about. I wonder why it is that in some organizations, the stupidest people seem to rise to the top?
So this idiot really believes that it is the government who gives people the right to defend themselves?
Looks like someone flunked American History...
Exactly why I want his email address, so he can be disabused of his ignorance.
Yeah, right! It was just a registry in the People's Demokratik Republik of Kollyvornia, too, until Lockyer decided otherwise!
SA, I Googled Rep. Angel Cruz and the 1st hit was is website.
All there is for contact is a form, so make sure you copy what you enter there to share with us.
Apparently at a gun rights rally at the capitol, there was a banner warning this thug in power of the consequences of treason. Of course, the media and the racebaiters jumped on it with full force. Now they want people to be prosecuted.
"More images HARRISBURG - Members of the Legislative Black Caucus called yesterday for a state police investigation into the display of what they called a racist banner in the Capitol that said a Latino lawmaker should be "hung from the tree of liberty for his acts of treason against the Constitution."
"State Rep. Thaddeus Kirkland (D., Delaware), chairman of the Black Caucus, called the sign "an act of racism and bigotry" and said those responsible for it should be brought to justice."
Looks like the quote should also apply to a few more State Representatives in PA, as well.
SA, I found this on the NRA-ILA's "Contact your representative" page (the NRA is good for something):
sent him this. not polite, but I'm all out of courtesy for those that don't deserve it.
Rep. Cruz, it will be difficult for me to be civil in the face of your ignorance fueled arrogance, but I will try.
Government does not give us the right to have guns. As a child you should have learned the rules of the society. As a student you should have paid attention in civics class. I know nothing of your personal history, but I am fully aware of your current failure as an American to represent anybody.
Government,hereinafter called the state, grants no rights. Period. The state can grant privileges,but that is another matter entirely. The Constitution of the United States of America does not grant one right to the citizen. That's correct, not one. NO! NONE! Got that part, yet?
Our founders posited in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and in their writings in the Federalists Papers, that men are born with rights. They come from God or Nature's God, but that they are inherent at birth. Further they posited that the state has no rights, only powers invested in them by the people who own all the rights. The purposes of granting powers to the state were basically two. The first being that the state serve the interests of the people by protecting the people's rights. The second, to perform functions more efficiently that would be unwieldy to be attempted by each citizen, again to serve the interests of the citizen.
The Bill of Rights does not grant rights. It is a guarantee of non-interference of those rights by the state. Some rights were considered so sacrosanct that they were specifically enumerated, so as to avoid any alteration through interpretation and/or misinterpretation.
That should have been sufficient, but then along come people with an agenda, a certain amount of popularity (at least enough to get elected), and a boatload of ignorance, through the implementation of which they completely falsely claim that the state "grants rights" and therefore can regulate the use of them. You sir, are one such person.
I say to you that, no, the state cannot regulate the use of rights of the citizen. What the state can do is punish the abuse of those rights when that abuse infringes the rights of another. They cannot do so pre-emptively. The state can only do it because we grant them the power to do so. Remember the state has only powers, no rights.
Please, take a 4th grade civics class before you decide you are bright enough to write legislation.
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