Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Rage Against the Maroons

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"They changed my life. They made me a liberal," said sweat-drenched history teacher Rafael Ramon, 25, who had waited in a crowd packed shoulder-to-shoulder in front of the stage all day.
Government school employee, no doubt, eh Rafael?

You teach history and this is the stage of your adult and professional development? Your life epiphany comes from a rock band? I guess you're as mature as you are competent in your field. And I guess you never heard that those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

While we're on this story, how come some leftard band can call for the administration to be "tried and hung (HANGED!!!) and shot" without consequences, but Rick Stanley calls for a treasonous judge to be tried and gets his life destroyed for it?

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