Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Stand Free Or Crouch In Servitude

What Crouch proposes is nothing short of un-American. It’s hard to determine if he just doesn’t know any better, or chillingly, if he does.
"Stand Free or Crouch in Servitude," my Rights Watch column for the May 2007 issue of GUNS Magazine, is now online.


Anonymous said...

“I think this is the kind of a program that should provide a national model for addressing a far from insignificant problem,” Crouch gushes in praise.

What is the far-from-insignificant problem? Is it possessing weapons or actual crimes were people lose their property, liberty or life?

"If I’m a drug dealer and I want to eliminate the competition, why not let New York’s finest do the job for me?"

I believe that was the rationale behind the Sullivan Act of 1911. Except it was a little more efficient back then, because the crooks were also the politicians in charge.

Anonymous said...

Did I miss something?

If no one, not even the police, knows who the informant is, how are they going to get the money? Just show up and say "You know that guy you arrested yesterday? Your welcome. Where's my money?"

Sounds like a scam to me.

David Codrea said...

I believe they assign numbers like PINs that enable the snitches to collect anonymously without IDing themselves. I'm not sure how they work out the actual payout/collection.

Anonymous said...

"I believe that was the rationale behind the Sullivan Act of 1911. Except it was a little more efficient back then, because the crooks were also the politicians in charge."

2007 is much the same. The Sullivan Act still endures(you'd swear it was passed down from Moses) and Bloomberg & Co are fleecing the public treasury with sweetheart deals to the NY Yankees/Mets and on and on it goes.