Monday, June 04, 2007

Kent McManigal vs. France

This provides an instructive insight into the government-dependent mindset. Unless we can reverse course and culturally embrace principles of individual freedom and responsibility, these attitudes will be as pervasive here as they are there. Our urban areas have probably already arrived.


Anonymous said...

Sadly, the person with whom Kent is debating isn't "French" per se, but Quebecois, from the Province of Quebec, Canada.

Unfortunately, "Regis" exhibits the common mindset of the neo-liberal socialists that can be found in most urban areas. There is no way to reason with them logically, as they are convinced that they, and they alone, are right. They probably even sincerely believe that what they espouse constitutes "freedom".

I am ashamed of my countrymen.

Kent McManigal said...

Don't be ashamed of your countrymen. Guilt is not collective. You are only responsible for your own actions and opinions.

Anonymous said...

Not guilt, shame.