Sunday, June 03, 2007

"Think of it as Anti-Michael Moore Movie Premiere"

No, think of it as a pro-freedom movie premiere. The antis are the ones who are against things.

Still, it's nice to see a press report on the premiere of JPFO's "The Gang" at Red's Trading Post. If you missed Ryan Horsley's comment on the WarOnGuns post, it was indeed chilling and infuriating:
Following the JPFO Alert of my interview with "Talkin to America" we were greeted by 3 ATF Agents, one of which was the Area Supervisor who traveled from Spokane, Washington to inspect us.
It appears those who erroneously believe themselves to be our masters will brook no insolence.


Anonymous said...

I've noticed there's some current and former FFL's posting here once in a while, and I was wondering what they thought about this from the article:

"He said Red's was cited for not having its records in alphabetical order,(and) not recording in its acquisition book the full addresses of people who bought guns,(...)" (i'm leaving out a third rational violation)

I'm pretty sure my start-up inspector told me to file the 4473's in numerical order, and isn't the 4473 serial number sufficient for the disposition column in the bound book?

Ryan Horsley said...

On this issue of the violation of not having our records in PERFECT alphabetical order. Our 4473 forms have always been placed into folders that are designated alphabetically. In our 2005 Audit, Agent Caleb Rushing suggested that in each of the folders that we continue to keep them listed alphabetically but in each folder we list them chronologically with the last transaction toward the front for quick easy access. He informed us that another Dealer used this method and it was very efficient. Linda Young informed me that Agent Rushing was incorrect and that she would let him know. I pointed out that in during the last 4 audits the agents were completely aware of our system but none failed to cite or even warn us on this.

Ryan Horsley said...

Here is the conversation that one of my employees documented on the May 23rd Audit between Area Supervisor Linda Young and one of the Agents:
Linda Young: "We'll do this again and again and again until this is done. I mean done. Sooner or Later it will be done, something will be found." (Both agents nod).
John Hansen: "Don't say anymore she's writing everything down" (Eluding to my employee)
Linda Young: "I don't care"
John Hansen: "Well?"
Linda Young: "I'll be out there" (she then goes outside to make a phone call and comes back in while speaking on the phone)
Linda Young: "I'm discussing violations with them right now" (She then hangs up)
Linda Young: "I'm so happy right now" (Sarcasm)
Linda Young stepped outside several times to contact DIO Richard Van Loan