Tuesday, August 07, 2007

More Cities are Punishing You...

...and exempting the criminals.

Y'see, since "prohibited persons" can't "legally" own guns, they're under no compulsion to report when theirs are stolen. That's because requiring them to do so would violate their Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination.

But those police chiefs getting their names in the paper won't tell us that, will they?


Anonymous said...

"nothing forbids someone who passes a background check from selling guns to someone who doesn't, an act known as a "straw purchase."

Are'nt straw purchases federal crimes?

Anonymous said...

Selling a gun without a background check is called a private sale.

"Straw purchase" is a victimless paper crime invented by the BATFeces.

defiant_infidel said...

"Selling a gun without a background check is called a private sale.

Not any more, LW... BATF and the Pelosi team gun grabbers have successfully turned the tide with their PC indoctrination, as "anonymous" has so aptly illustrated. Open wide and gobble it down.

"This will only hurt for a minute..."
