Tuesday, August 07, 2007

We're the Only Ones Virtually Immortal Enough

During a demonstration on gun safety to a group of kids in Florida, he accidentally shot himself in the leg...

"My main concern is to make people in the public aware of the fact that I was a productive agent and not some bumbling buffoon that shot himself in the foot."

Could'a fooled me.

But thanks, Lee Paige, Godfather of "The Only Ones," for giving me what I hope will become a virtually immortal term to describe those in positions of civil authority who act as if they're (as Say Uncle says) "Like you and me, only better."

[Via HZ]


Anonymous said...

"Paige" could become a household term, as in "I've Paiged myself" or "You stupid Paige!"

Anonymous said...

"My main concern is to make people in the public aware of the fact that I was a productive agent and not some bumbling buffoon that shot himself in the foot."

IIRC, he worked for the DEA. That would seem to contradict the "productive agent" claim; unless he has a _very_ different definition of "productive" than I do.