Monday, August 06, 2007

When Logic Fails...

...just rely on wishful thinking.

Hey, you can't prove gun "buybacks" don't work, and if it save just one child it's worth it.

Besides, if you had a gun in the home, this might happen.

Oh, wait, it might not. Never mind.


Anonymous said...

If it only saves one child's life, it's worth it...Based on that logic, coupled on your earlier post "The only ones Serpentine enough", we obviously need to disarm LEOs.

If it only saves the life of one child...

Anonymous said...

I'd usually agree, but someone has shown me otherwise. Gun buy-backs can be very beneficial... In a redistribution-of-tax-money type of way:

Anonymous said...

I'm going to the very next gun buy
back to set up a table and offer
$100.00 cash for functioning guns.