Thursday, September 13, 2007

Somos Los Unicos Exploiting the "Gun Show Loophole" Enough

Three high-ranking Mexican police officers were arrested on allegations of buying weapons and ammunition at a gun show in Phoenix in violation of a law barring noncitizens from purchasing firearms, a U.S. official said Wednesday...

It appeared the officers were buying the handguns for their personal use...

In other news, high-ranking Mexican police officers complain about US guns illegally coming in to Mexico.

The solution, of course, is to impose further controls on you and me.

You can't make this stuff up.

[Mas de "Los Unicos" Archivos]


chris horton said...

What exactly is a "cop killer" pistol? Is that in the same group as an "assault rifle?" And fragmentation grenades..never seen one of them for sale up North!! Geez.......

Anonymous said...

> In other news, high-ranking Mexican police officers complain about US guns illegally coming in to Mexico.

Hey, the guns didn't cross the border -- the border crossed them! ;-)

Mark Odell