Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Kenny Antrobus wants to add one item to the artwork, soccer trophies and family photographs that are a reminder of the daughter he lost at Trolley Square: the handgun that killed Vanessa Quinn. "If I had it, I know it wouldn't kill anybody else," said Antrobus, of Cincinnati.
I can't pretend to know or understand the level of sustained grief that goes with losing a child--or the emotional and often irrational need to do something, anything, when of course, there's nothing we can do to bring back our loved ones.

The handgun, of course, did not kill, nor does "It" have volition to kill again. A deranged and evil person is solely to blame. It's interesting he doesn't want the handgun used to save further victims from being killed, which is probably just as well, since using the same logic, it is free to save again.

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