Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Tough Talk

Teachers union leaders say they are not backing down from tough talk about school safety in the wake of an incident in which a Union High School student brought a gun to school.
Ooh--"tough talk." That'll impress a school shooter. Right before he gets you to give him a tough scream, tough plea, and tough sob in mindless animal pain and terror. One of the things that "really grinds my gears" is the word "stakeholder." Unless it applies to Abraham Van Helsing standing over an open coffin, I'm afraid it just sounds like so much socialist agenda-driven manipulative psychobabble. We all know there's only one thing that will stop a school shooter. A tough, that is an armed, response. Isn't that right, tough-talkin' Wayne? Isn't it past time you went back to your "stakeholders" and revised your tough advocacy of Harris-Klebold Empowerment Zones?

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