Saturday, November 17, 2007


During this segment, the interviewer peppered Edwards with a series of questions asking if he considered each a right or a privilege. In response to the proposition of “owning a handgun,” and following a pregnant pause, came the former Senator’s one word answer: “privilege.”

The Breck Girl proves he's unfit for citizenship, let alone elected office.

See video here.


Anonymous said...

Funny, he want to be president and thinks

Internet access = right
College education = right
Healthcare = right


Right to Keep and Bear Arms = Priviledge

Only one of those is in the Bill of Rights..... and it's the only one he said was a priviledge....

chris horton said...

Just fired off a letter to "Mr Edwards'"
Dear Sir,
your You Tube response to owning a Handgun as a "Priveledge,"is completely wrong!! The 2ND amendment gaurantees Americans THE RIGHT to KEEP AND BEAR ARMS!!You have just proven with THAT response ALONE that your are UNFIT as well as unqualified to lead this NATION!! Read the Bill Of Rights,because you've obviously "interpreted" them falsely,Sir!! You've just alienated MILLIONS of GUNOWNERS,who will vote against your nomination in the upcoming election!!
Chris Horton

David Codrea said...

Careful, LP--just because it's not in the BOR doesn't mean it's not a right--they weren't intended to be a laundry list of permissions. The interesting thing to note for me is his Marxist perspective. Of course educating yourself, access to information and taking care of your health are rights--no one should have the power to prevent you from pursuing these--but what JE means is that the collective should pay for them--there should be wealth distribution from the productive to his constituency.

Interestingly here, that is precisely what Congress is authorized to do in equipping the militia...

Kent McManigal said...

Never forget that Amendment 9 protects all the things that are not mentioned in the rest of the BoR. Rights such as travelling without a "drivers license", healthcare, education, or anything else you want and can provide for yourself, as long as it does not violate the rights of anyone else.

Anonymous said...

"..Careful, LP--just because it's not in the BOR doesn't mean it's not a right--they weren't intended to be a laundry list of permissions. .."

I hear you David, on the same page. I just meant that of the list he responded to the ONLY one protected from government as a right, he called a priviledge