Saturday, November 17, 2007


World record holding Xtreme Sport Shooter Patrick Flanigan fires 12 shells in just 1.442 seconds with the Winchester Super X3 Shotgun!
Don't anybody tell the Bradys or BATFU...

Watch the video--it really is cool.

[Via SameNoKami]


chris horton said...

That's the COOLEST!!! WOW!!!....

Kent McManigal said...

That translates into a pretty respecable rate of fire. Isn't that faster than a Tommygun?

Anonymous said...

Patrick Flanigan, despite being a world record holder, obviously doesn't know anything about how to properly use a semi-auto shotgun.

All the "experts" say that he should be "spraying fire" and that this shotgun is designed to be "fired from the hip."

I'll take him a lot more seriously when he starts "spraying fire from the hip."

Oh, and perhaps he should also learn to rotate the shotgun 90% gangster style.

Imagine - someone actually using the butt stock and shouldering a shotgun. Unbelieveable. :)