Saturday, December 01, 2007


Certainly I don't think a gun ad in a family newspaper is what the world needs this holiday season in a nation where, according to the National Education Association's Health Information Network, American children are more at risk from gun violence than children in any other industrialized nation.

Certainly Americans don't need a gun in every stocking when, according to the Centers for Disease control, homicide and suicide are the leading causes of teen deaths, with 80 percent of these deaths resulting from guns.
Well then, you certainly don't need to buy one, Frank. But you certainly are being inconsistent about all this, especially when you admit "The market for guns is certainly out there in this nation of ours, if not to protect our freedom, then to protect our lives and possessions."

Because there's one thing you can be certain of, Frank: Those who would kill you and yours without batting an eye will still be out there during the holidays. And yes, guns have certainly been used at Christmas time to protect freedom as well.

[Via HZ]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Frank Harris III is chairman of the journalism department at Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven.

Considering the source, I find it absolutely astonishing that this man freely, if grudgingly, acknowleges that:
1) Guns are legal;
2) The 2nd Am is not about the
3) Almost 70% of Americans don't want gun bans and believe that gun laws don't reduce crime.

I think I'll email and congratulate him.