Sunday, December 02, 2007

Glen Johnson: AP's Hillary Campaign Operative

When the hostages had been released and their alleged captor arrested, a regal-looking Hillary Rodham Clinton strolled out of her Washington home, the picture of calm in the face of crisis...
Her Serene Highness. Jeeze, Glen, do you think you could have stuck your nose up any further?

Another thing, since you've made your role as official campaign propagandist abundantly clear: After you help get her elected, will you and the rest of the "Authorized Journalists" at the AP refer to her as "Dear Leader" or "Our Beloved Führer"?


Anonymous said...

Oh, good Lord. He's got his nose so far up there that if Hillary bends over she'll snap his neck.

This piece reminds me of a slobber-covered tennis ball my dog chases, to bring back and drop adoringly at my feet.

Excuse me. Must go talk to RALLLFFF on the great white telephone.

Kent McManigal said...

It's easy to be calm and regal when you are hundreds of miles away from any preceived danger.

Sean said...

I'm sure Marie Antoinette looked regal too, mounting that scaffold. Some crisis. About as terrifying as a plugged toilet. There's a gun store about three blocks from where the town drunk strapped road flares to his belly and held off the mighty TWAT, er, SWAT off for hours. I'm suprised the BATF didn't take charge, and kill the proprietor, the customers, and anyone else nearby, then set the place on fire after tear-gassing the neighborhood. Then, they could declare total victory, and raise their flag over the ashes. Then Sullivan could appear on tv and "accept full responsability" before sleazing off to lunch. These things almost write themselves.