Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Larry Hincker Award

We talked about it yesterday (actually, I talked about it before that).

Robb Allen came up with a great design.

I opted for a plaque because I'm too unskilled to work with shapes. Honest, we both selected the same silhouette source independently.

I like Robb's as he actually knows what he's doing with a graphics program. But I also like the text on mine, so perhaps something could be arranged...?

Now I'll put together a nominating process, the rules loosely being someone who creates or encourages a "Gun Free Zone" and people end up getting killed.

Off the top of my head I can come up with:

The award's namesake.

The proprietors of Trolley Square.

The proprietors of Westroads Mall.

Chancellor O'Keefe.

Maybe this guy?

Send in your nominations, along with a brief summary and link to show what they did to qualify and I'll finalize the list and put up a poll where we can vote on the 2007 recipient.


Anonymous said...

Waitaminute! What happened to the Eloi Award? Or is this a replacement for it?

Anonymous said...

I suggest that you add to the award something like

... for the promotion of victimhood

It will be more understandable to the un-informed that way.

David Codrea said...

The Eloi Award is for people who demand to be disarmed. The Hincker Award is for people who demand others be disarmed.

SamenoKami said...

I vote for the one with Latin. That way you say stuff people don't understand or question. Will we be making these up into actual plaques and sending them out? Do we have an example of the Eloi award?

Anonymous said...

Hi David.

Got a link for the original of the silhouette you're using?

I don't know whether Columbine was, at the time, a 'gun-free zone' -- I don't think so, because, "Seven minutes after the first shots were fired, Harris exchanged fire with a school resource officer outside the school, the report said." (AP)

But I think that Jefferson County Sheriff John Stone deserves at least an honorable mention for keeping officers out of the school for 1/2 hour, until the SWAT team showed up.

Copy of AP article

Aha. more here. The resource officer arrived on the scene -- wasn't inside. And more fodder for being armed; a policy (since revised?) to "contain, not confront" hostage takers.

Lots of supporting documentary; just google "columbine sheriff stone waited".

-- jed

David Codrea said...

The resource officer was a sheriffs deputy--Gun-free school zones exempt "The Only Ones".

Do a Google image search on "cowering" and you'll find the silhouette.

Anonymous said...

A question David:

Why just one recipient? They are all equally deserving and should be so dishonored.

Anonymous said...

I'm obviously biased, Big D, but I vote for the a$$hats that run Westroads Mall.

Not only did they create a victim zone, but they quickly hid the signs after the shooting.

Meanwhile, just 44 blocks away, the signs remain up at the other mall they own.

That smacks of PR CYA.

Therefore, I give you... General Growth Properties, owners of Westroads Mall in Omaha, NE as my vote!!

John Hardin said...

Intertran (a translator robot) says the Latin for "all shall be victims" is "totus vadum exsisto victor". I have no idea how good a translation that is.

Can anybody provide a good translation for "they shall all be victims" or "you shall all be victims"?

What other slogans would be appropriate?