Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Real Solution

The real solution, he said, is for Congress to enact a new ban on assault weapons. "Then we wouldn't have to have an arms race going," he said.
No, Paul Helmke, although your desperation is understandable.

That's because the real solution has been demonstrated for the world to see, in the person of Jeanne Assam. Had it been you instead of her in that church, you Bradyites would have been able to claim more dead to raise funds off of. But you know in your heart that had it been you, you'd have been blubbering and helpless to do anything, as you and those around you were cut down at will by an assailant with no one to stop him and nothing to fear.

Helpless, Paul, and useless, a victim of your own unmanly, un-American cowardice. And no amount of whining and deception on your part will change that.


Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

I suspect he just misspoke with his first word--"real solution" is close to what he meant to say. And yeah, I know about Godwin's Law--what does Godwin know, anyway.

David Codrea said...

I understand he was referring to the probability that a nazi reference would be made but that carries with it the value assumption that it should not be made--that it becomes trivialized, its impact reduced. This is his opinion and I don't see where it is a more qualified opinion than mine. I utterly reject the notion that calling a nazi a nazi should be avoided. The only ones who don't want it pointed out that they are nazis are covert nazis.

If you view the term in its proper context, "national socialist," I'd say you widen the field for who's eligible to be called one considerably.

Anonymous said...

"We allow ordinary citizens to carry these things around. Why we do that, I don't know. But if we're going to allow that, we're probably forcing the hand of security guards to do the same,"

Who is "We('re)"????? What a punk! What hole in hell did these people crawl out of ?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Q What does a ban on "Assault Weapons" have to do with a discussion regarding revolver vs. semi-auto handguns?

A Nothing.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the outburst. That was me above ("punk" comment).

I was smashing keys and hit the publish button insted of the preview. I probably would have toned it down a bit after reading it.

By the way, sometimes I type what I really feel and then slowly bring it down a notch until it's fit for public viewing.

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Speaking personally, Deuce, I think you exhibited remarkable restraint.

David Codrea said...

Bring it UP a notch, Deuceman: this is "Notes from the Resistance."

Give 'em what fer.

Rev. Donald Spitz said...

Jeanne Assam of New Life Church in Colorado Springs is currently hailed as a hero by most Christians because she shot the gunman that was on his way into the church to murder more people. This is correct, but consider, she is no different than Paul Hill who stopped a babykilling abortionist from murdering more people by shooting him.
Paul Hill is condemned and was put to death for the same thing.

SAY THIS PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I am a sinner and am headed to eternal hell because of my sins. I believe you died on the cross to take away my sins and to take me to heaven. Jesus, I ask you now to come into my heart and take away my sins and give me eternal life.

Anonymous said...

Uhhhhh...Who is Jeanne Assam????
Since there is no mention of her in the MSM she must not exist.
She must be a figment of the imagination of gun-nuts everywhere!There really couldn't be a genuine heroine out there. Could there?

Mike said...

Leave it to a fundie to bring abortion into an argument where it plainly doesn't belong.

It's this kind of crap that makes me ashamed to be a gun owner.