Monday, December 10, 2007

We're the Only Ones Off Target Enough

“You take Olympic shooters, and they practice all the time, and they can hit a fly off a cow’s nose from 100 yards,” said Mr. Cerar, the retired commander. “But if you put a gun in that cow’s hand, you will get a different reaction from the Olympic shooter.”
It would seem "Only One" metaphors are also off a bit...

[Via Declan]


Kent McManigal said...

Cows have HANDS?? Who knew? If I were an olympic shooter and I saw a cow with a gun in its "hands" I would laugh and take a picture!

Stan said...

I am struck at the lack of practical direction about how to minimize the circumstances in which deadly force can be used.”
There are too many officers who can't do anything but escalate situations. I don't understand departments' willingness to put up with those types, they're likely to get people who otherwise wouldn't have been arrested, hurt, or worse.