Sunday, February 17, 2008

Democrat Democracy

A top Hillary Clinton adviser on Saturday boldly predicted his candidate would lock down the nomination before the August convention by definitively winning over party insiders and officials known as superdelegates, claiming the number of state elections won by rival Barack Obama would be “irrelevant” to their decision.

Ah yes, the party of the people.

Orwellian, ain't it?


Anonymous said...

Her advisers better not speak too soon. There are still two other Authoritarian Socialist candidates after Obama.

She has nothing to worry about from the conservative, constitutionalist candidate, though. As Thompson's run shows (along with the totals for other more conservative candidates), at most, only about six percent of the voters are actually conservative. The rest think they're conservatives -- and they are technically correct, because they want to maintain the status quo, i.e. authoritarian government, policing of the world, criminally high taxation (> 10% of income).

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone is ready for the riots that will break out if 'the white man' keeps a brother down.

Ken said...

Probably said the same thing about the general election, only not out loud....

Anonymous said...

In 2000, the Dems were screaming "COUNT EVERY VOTE!"

Now they're whispering "Only count OUR vote."

Great Stalin's ghost. Does no one study history any more?