Sunday, February 17, 2008

“Homegrown Terrorists”

So what would a cop on the street look out for?

“Defenders of the US Constitution against federal government and the UN (Super Patriots),” read the very first point in the very first category, “Right Wing Extremists.”

“Groups of individuals engaged in paramilitary training,” it continued.
"Homegrown Terrorists" is my Rights Watch column for the April 2008 issue of GUNS Magazine, on sale now at domestic newsstands throughout the Republic.


Anonymous said...

"'Focused on fixing the "wrongs" [and] feel that what they are doing is necessary for a better world.'"

So should I call the DOJ Terrorist Tip Line and report Congress?

I can't speak for anyone else here, but I'm not "anti-government", I'm anti-lawlessness. We're governed by laws, which is not the same as being governed by the opinions of the people that enforce them. Government exists to establish order. Polluting the body of law with contradiction creates an unjust system that erodes people's respect for the law, and generally creates legal chaos.

All men are created equal means we all have the same rights, not that we're identical in ability. If Joe Government gets a free pass when he violates some law, then so should every other American under the same circumstances.

Anonymous said...

Every system ends up unjust. The people who gravitate toward government are people who enjoy having power over others.

Idealistically, I would prefer to live in a society without government. I understand that is a utopian ideal therefore I am willing to live under a minarchy.

It just codifies what we already knew. The govt. is at war with those of us who want to restrain it.