Friday, February 01, 2008

We're the Only Ones Getting a Pass Enough

When a Seattle cop kicked the legs out from under a woman, fracturing her cheekbone as she fell face-first onto the pavement, the captain in charge of internal investigations recommended discipline.

But the department rejected the investigator's recommendation, calling for "supervisory intervention," a kind of retraining that is not considered disciplinary action by the department.

The "intervention" that the officer received included an admonition to keep using force when necessary on the street.

Six months after the woman was hurt, witnesses said the same cop kicked a suspect in the face as the man was trying to surrender. And once again, he was given retraining.
It sounds like a "retraining intervention" would indeed be called for here. Perhaps an evening class in proper use of force...

[More from "The Only Ones" Files]


Anonymous said...

Well...only if he gets time and a half for the evening course!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a "retraining intervention" would indeed be called for here. Perhaps an evening class in proper use of force...

Blanket party?


Anonymous said...

I noticed that none of these cases involved violent felons nor known gang members.

Could it be that the cops fear reprisal and armed resistance from all but the ordinary law-abiding citizen? What will they do when those people become just as resistant and violently opposed to interaction with them?

My guess is that they'll quit and go home and hide.

Anonymous said...

Exactly what straightarrow said. Why didn't the womans husband or family shot the SOB.

Sentenza said...

It sounds like a "retraining intervention" would indeed be called for here. Perhaps an evening class in proper use of force...

Title 18 USC, specifically, Sections 241, and 242.

I don't understand why a federal prosecutor would not be interested in this, given that:

SECTION 5 FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Every person may freely speak, write and publish on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right.

Anonymous said...

Tex, it's not too late. Time will tell. I do expect we will start seeing some of that if the cops don't become law abiders themselves.