Monday, April 28, 2008

Worth A Thousand Words


Anonymous said...

I count no less than FOUR officers, and I bet there are others behind the photographer.
They're probably Fenty's personal security detail as well as photo-op "gun-control-supporting rank and file cops." Whether they actually are or not. Just following orders.

GunRights4US said...

Here's my letter to Mayor Fenty:

"I just loved the picture of you leaving SCOTUS last month during the Heller vs. DC oral arguments. You certainly cut a fine figure in that suit Mr. Mayor!

I also love the rank hypocrisy of demanding that your subjects (yes, I said “subjects” your majesty!) remain unarmed and unable to defend themselves, whole YOU prance around with well armed police keeping you safe."

Kent McManigal said...

If those cops had any conscience.... well, I shouldn't write what I think.

Anonymous said...

Many elite law enforcement officers are yet to have their one negligent discharge. Sometimes with tragic results.

And boy, don't those uniforms look BLACK?

Except the closest cop with that hat looks like the Maytag repairman.

Anonymous said...

I'm a citizen...where's my police detail??