The charges raised herein are among the most serious of crimes a government enforcement agency can perpetrate on a citizen. This document alone ought to be enough to DEMAND congressional hearings.
[Via David R. Olofson]
Part I
Notes from the Resistance...
Holy shit......
Tried to set up Daddy too.
The thread of law and peace is frayed and the state is still abrading it. Do they really think they are ready for what happens when it breaks? Are they that stupid?
I don't know, SA. If New Orleans wasn't enough to make us take up arms against a rogue gov't, I don't hold a lot of hope that anything will anymore.
You may well be right. Those who will fight back, may very well do so alone and be blackened in the public media after their deaths.
David, has anyone seen the video in question? It would be nice if someone could post a copy.
Full-auto parts found on the floor AFTER an ATF raid? We know how thorough those guys are; they wouldn't have missed them, so they must have dropped them.
Must be all that joint (no pun intended) training with the DEA.
Yet my congressman's strongest response is to thank me for my support of the BATFE Modernization and Reform Act, in a form letter. I used the words "defund," "abolish," "prosecute." And "beg." I BEGGED him.
Who in Congress besides Ron Paul and a handful of others would have the courage to investigate? Who isn't afraid of getting "Spitzered"?
Follow the money. If L. Neil Smith has it correct, the NRA is using ATF to suck in money from it's members and in turn gives a cut to members of congress. Nothing is going to happen, its simply business as usual.
Look at it like this, if members of both houses of congress rig it so American manufacturing goes over seas to fight inflation so they can keep printing money to buy votes with. Do you think they will stop the ATF and cut off the cash flow from lobbyist. No chance of that happening and we are stuck with a population that's stupid, don't care if they are stupid and don't know they are stupid and they vote.
I don't know if that is available--it was introduced into evidence, but I don't know if it will be released to the public.
Let me ask Len S and David O, and if I can come up with something relevant I'll blog on it.
Just got this reply from David O:
"They will not release it. Not even to my attorneys."
Sure sounds like a government living up to its whole reason for existing ("to secure the blessings of Liberty"), doesn't it?
I should clarify--I asked him for a copy of the tape before it was edited by BATFU, to include failed attempts at engineering a misfire.
Hmm....Didn't they request it during discovery? If they don't produce it, they can't use it at trial. Now, it's said it was introduced at trial, but, that goes against the evidence rules and the rules of criminal procedure, specifically Rule 16 of the Crim Proc.
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