Thursday, May 22, 2008

Let Me See If I've Got This Straight

But I applaud the mayor and Council for the audacious act of civic disobedience.
So the answer to making Philadelphia "thug-free" is to let the top thugs disregard the law and do what they want?

Hey, can I do that too, or does it only apply to...uh..."Only Ones"?

I know it's considered bad form to point and stare at the mentally defective, but Jill Porter's publicly-documented serial descent into barking-at-the-moon lunacy is such a fascinating curiosity to observe first-hand.

I also like the comment by "Barbara Moss":
I wish Jack-Ryan-Would-Please-Die...
Oh now Barbara--sometimes people don't realize they have posted and they resubmit comments. I know multiple posts can be irritating, but really--I wonder if there might be something we could... extrapolate from this...?


Anonymous said...

When Denver was able to justify lots of unconstitutional ordinances under "home rule," we knew it would spread. It seems to be the one pandemic our various governments don't seem worried about: official arrogance.

Anonymous said...

Porter applauds audacious civic disobedience to the U.S. Constitution, the Pennsylvania constitution and Nutter's oath of office, plus rejection of the conclusions of scientific examinations of the gun issue and the negligible or harmful effect of gun control.
The commenter on the nearby McClintock item may be correct. Like in Austria 70 years ago, there's a point where reason and intelligence no longer make a dent and it's time to take a chance on ANYWHERE else. Or take a stand where you are and get investigated, harassed, threatened...

Anonymous said...

I know this is going to piss all my free brethren off, but I do think we need one more gun control law. Yeah, that's right. I'll support it, fight for it and vote for it.

Here it is: A questionaire be sent to every adult in the nation. One question; "Do you believe the second amendment is an absolute right beyond the power of government to infringe, or regulate, or keep records or any damn other infringement?"

Every person that answers "NO" including gun owners will immediately surrender any arms they may possess and then they will be transferred to a geographical area proportionate in size to the average population density of the areas east of the Appalachians sufficient to hold their numbers.

There will a total ban on arms of all kinds for all people in that area. They will not be allowed to transfer to the "Armed America". Housing trades and other forms of reasonable recompense will be pursued to make as financially whole as possible all those who are transferred to Unarmed Americh and all those who by their answer "Yes" must be transferred to Armed America.

After the initial transfers, no more will be allowed.

Any bets on which America will be virtually crime free for lack of criminals? And this crime free state will occur without a body count. Because guess where the criminals will decide their best interests lie.

This law should not be reviewable or repealable for a period not less than 40 years.

Not separate governments for separate Americas, but one government locked into maintaining the Separate Americas for not less than 40 years.

That will once and for all end the argument of the value of the second amendment and its absoluteness will never again be questioned.

Of course, our side would lose a lot of gun bloggers, but those are the ones taking us ALL there anyway.