Monday, May 05, 2008

We're the Only Ones in the Footsteps of the Master Enough

The police chief in Riverdale accidentally shot himself in an ankle while demonstrating how to dislodge a jammed hangun...Riverdale police officers carry .40-caliber pistols.
Just like...just like...

And to think I didn't believe in reincarnation.

I guess all is possible and will be revealed with "The Only Ones."


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, guess I've been doing it wrong all these years.

I've always pointed my firearm AWAY from things made out of flesh, ecspecially my own, when clearing a jam.

Now I guess I can see the logic. When you feel the bullet shatter one of you leg bones, you now know the jam is cleared and you may now safely handle the gun.

Nate said...

Well, you beat me to it. I can't reach Blogger sites from the job and I'm just now sitting down to send you this story. But Riverdale's just over the viaduct from me, so its pretty big local news.

Words Twice said...

"Hmmm, guess I've been doing it wrong all these years."

I would bet that he was trying to demonstrate the one handed clearing technique where you hook the rear sight onto your belt and rack the slide. If you do it correctly, you shouldn't be violating safety rules #2 and #3. Looks like the chief needs remedial training.