Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Harrassed in Wisconsin for Open Carry?

Schroedinger's Blog has an action item to help bring the situation to light.


Anonymous said...

Derrick Williamson wrote what one has to believe to believe in gun control. It's classic. One is, people don't NEED to go armed in public because people are basically good and decent, and people SHOULDN'T be allowed to go armed because they can't be trusted to be good and decent.
They want it both ways, ALL ways, always.
I open-carry when I feel like it -- even in the pharmacy one time with no reaction from anyone -- and I conceal most of the time because there HAVE been some confrontations by police of people BROWSING IN A BOOKSTORE with a gun showing after some sick person called police. Took off his jacket because it was warm. Had a permit. The police surrounded him, guns drawn. When he checked out, they advised him to "be more discreet." What the hell?

Anonymous said...

Apparently Mara Salvatrucha had a big smuggling, robbery and murder operation going on in Charlotte, NORTH CAROLINA. That's near Mayberry. But OUR guns are the big problem...