Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hectoring and Bossing

If a person imagines his wisdom and privilege are sufficient to tell you what you may say, how much you can eat, and how to raise your children, chances are excellent that he is what we would call in common parlance a "liberal."
That pretty much sums up the nanny-staters. At least the ones too stupid to recognize the tyranny they're enabling.

[Via Bruce Mills]


Kent McManigal said...

But, on the other hand "If a person imagines his wisdom and privilege are sufficient to tell you what you may worship, whom you may love, and how to raise your children, and what chemicals you can use in order to relax, chances are excellent that he is what we would call in common parlance a 'conservative.'"

Trying to run other people's lives is evil. It matters not whether the boot on your neck is a right or left one.

We need to start recognizing the absolute human right to live as you see fit as long as you harm no innocent person. Otherwise, civilization was a nice idea. Too bad the control freaks derailed it.

Anonymous said...

The sooner the people stop misusing the terms 'liberal' and 'conservative', the sooner we'll all realize that most self-titled liberalprogressiveconservatives are actually just a bunch of rigid statists who would set back the clock to a time before 1776. Sorry, statists; mankind's been there, done that, and it sucked.

What's in a name? In this country it's usually a crouching tyrant.