Monday, July 14, 2008

Nothing from Nothing

The three murders follow a week in which several aldermen voiced concern with Police Supt. Jody Weis over this year's 13 percent rise in homicides...

Taking to the streets and letting her voice join the chorus shouting "Get rid of those guns!"—that was something. And for Magee and many others, grappling with children and gangs and gunfire, something is a whole lot better than nothing.
Sounds like a Billy Preston song.

The populace doesn't have a clue as to what is really needed and the overlords are getting desperate as the fraud starts to unravel and their tenuous grip on power and order--their vulnerability-- becomes more apparent.

Forget it Jake. It's Chi-Town.


Anonymous said...

Suburbs of Chicago, Thursday: The fiance of a bank employee received calls from him saying he had been kidnapped and that his abductors demanded money. She called police, they called the FBI, they did the locator beacon in the money thing and the fiance was rescued. He had been tied up, shot in the leg and tortured by being beaten on the feet with a wrench.
Don't they know that's illegal, just like Mr. Fiance having a personal defense firearm?
When Jody went down to the Taste of Chicago festival, he had a gun, plus two big weightlifter cop bodyguards who also had guns. I'm sure he doesn't see the need of Chicagoans to go armed.

tjbbpgob said...

Marching- - - does a whole lotta good doesn't it. The only place it ever even started to work was in the deep south during the 60's and even then the federals had to back them up with guns. Billy Preston, wow great on the piano, greater on the B3. He will be mised.

Anonymous said...

The Trib couldn't see fit to document this event only 3 days before: