Monday, July 21, 2008

Some "Men" are Liars

Says Ruggieri: "If someone asks whether I think they should buy a gun, I say, 'Do you care if it's pink?' If you have a good and legitimate reason to own and carry a gun as a tool," he says, "then it shouldn't matter if it's pink."

"If you're buying it for machismo reasons, as a penis extender - which some people do - then you won't want to own a pink gun. If it matters that it's pink, don't buy it."
Hey, make up your mind. When we do make 'em pink, your kind start shrieking like little girls.

It's no wonder Sam Brito calls his column "All Men Are Liars." Projection, you know. And somehow, when I read his post title "Men With Guns," I don't envision him belonging to either the specific or the more general category. And that goes double for most of the comment posters I see over there.


opaww said...

I would take a pink CAR-15 if it was free. Hell I can change the color

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

I don't want my screwdrivers to be pink, either. Is that due to some kind of pathological need to compensate for . . . something?

opaww said...

I would say it is because you lack a feminist side that the liberals would like for you to have.

I think they call it pussification

Anonymous said...

I just got done taking some of my daughters nail polish, pink and coated my carry ammo.
It now looks cute and I'm proud and will show off my cute ammo to all my buddies.
The next big wave of ammo design, colored or ammo with the US flag on it. The boys in Iraq should paint pigs on their ammo, LOL!

Anonymous said...

Good luck reaching this fellow:

"If you'd like to email me with a topic suggestion or just vent, try here. I now have too many unanswered emails to catch up on, so I'm instituting a no-reply policy..."

This reminds me of a line once said by a wise guy I used to work with. After smart-assing another guy at work and then walking out, he saw me laughing about it:

"You like my style, huh? Talk big, then leave."

Brito's is another template piece. It predictably contains pseudo-Freudian imagery, but ignores Freud's comments about hoplophobia and sexual immaturity. He also feels he has discovered something statistically-significant by examining a subset of gun buyers who committed suicide to find a commonality, but ignoring the overwhelming majority of people who didn't commit suicide -- or any other possible vectors or caused of death.

I currently have the 2003 CDC Mortality data, so I can put this in perspective. Suicide accounted for 1.3 percent of the deaths in this country, and homicide for 0.7 percent. Accidental deaths -- including those with firearm misuse -- accounted for 4.5 percent. Heart disease, for comparison, was the cause for 28 percent.

Both suicidal and the accidentally dead are predominantly male, and the suicidal are predominantly white. Men do stupid, risky things, and, unfortunately, some men just aren't bright enough to calculate risk; such as why it's not a good idea to have the muzzle of a gun pointed at a seven-year-old while "cleaning" the weapon.

The author's central argument is that statistics cause firearms to be unsafe. Yawn. No mention is made of the remaining 30 to 50 percent of the armed populace who don't manage to "accidentally" shoot someone.

Anonymous said...

I read the comments, and it appears that there are no People of the Gun left in Australia. Just GFWs.

Kent McManigal said...

Sounds like a classic case of projection.

DJMooreTX said...

My response, awaiting moderation:


Again with the "guns as penis extenders" line.

I hear this so often, I have a standard response to cut and paste:

My father owns a walking-stick made from a bull’s penis stretched over an iron rod. He is the only person I know who can, heh heh, beat off an attacker with his penis.

I admit that my own, personal penis is pitifully inadequate for self-defense purposes.

Clearly, women should be left defenseless, since they are anatomically unsuited for it. Plus, it makes them so much easier to subdue.

It’s also true that the elderly and handicapped do not deserve the right to self-defense, since their wang-fu will likely be inadequate for a variety of reasons. We don’t need such human rubbish, anyway.

And I admit, I’ve always found it disturbing that we must publicly brand our police and military as puny weaklings by issuing them handguns and rifles.

But OK: Pink guns. Right.

So long as it's pink, it can be any gun I want, any caliber, any magazine capacity, any rate of fire? (By your analogy, the bigger the better, yes?) Carried open or concealed? (You wouldn't want me to "open carry" my penis, would you?) No training, licensing, or registration required? (I know some folks think all males should be registered at birth as sex offenders, but you're not that sexist, are you?)

All that in trade for some pink Duracoat?

Woo hoo! I'm ready, baby!