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About "The Only Ones"
The purpose of this feature has never been to bash cops. The only reason I do this is to amass a credible body of evidence to present when those who would deny our right to keep and bear arms use the argument that only government enforcers are professional and trained enough to do so safely and responsibly. And it's also used to illustrate when those of official status, rank or privilege, both in law enforcement and in some other government position, get special breaks not available to we commoners, particularly (but not exclusively) when they're involved in gun-related incidents.
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You know.... if I lived there and owned a .40 Glock, I might be persuaded to go along with this.
All it would really take is proof acceptable to me they had already tested every .40 Glock owned by or issued to every single police officer and government employee in the state.
Acceptable would mean I get to watch the testing happen with my own eyes.
The one fact we can agree on is, this seems to be strange. I'm sure the person who killed the two kids is going to willing bring their firearm in for testing on their own free will. Ain't going to happen. I'm sure the killer has broken their firearm into many pieces and will act like they can't find their firearm if a warrant is issued for every person who didn't bring their firearm in. This is going to be used as a way of proof to testing every firearm before its sold. Watch and see! So what's the real point? To remove the folks who own .40's and then go after all the others. I wonder how they will go after the others? Court order and if they are not home or sleeping kick the doors down?
The hidden message here is that they were able to track down all these owners based solely on caliber and make of firearm. That is not supposed to be possible. Given a serial number law enforcement has always (at least post 1968) been able to trace forward from manufacturer to retailer to owner, but they seem to have penetrated some database that by law should not exist if I understand current rules correctly. And if I got that letter I'd comply willingly, just as soon as I'd installed the new barrel, firing pin, and polished up the bolt face a bit. Just so they could check a clean gun dontchaknow.
"That is not supposed to be possible." Silly peasant, you believed the politicians, the batfags, and the nra?? Well, after all they did it for your own good, of course they keep records. And the republicrats, the brady bunch, and the nra are all part of the game. Remember the nra has endorsed every single fed law passed back to and including the "34 nfa act, so you know they REALLY "fight for your rights". They fight for you at the state level too, fighting "Vermont Carry" type proposals and state clubs that don't toe the party line every chance they get. Y'all don't forget to donate, and don't forget to vote for mccain, he'll have that nasty ol gunshow loophole closed in no time.
First it’s the Oklahoma DNA dragnets of 2004 and now firearms dragnets! After doing some research, it seems like the Oklahoman State Police use either .357 sig or .40 did they test all there guns first? What about other law enforcement agencies that use .40 cal. pistols have they been tested? What about federal agencies like the FBI, ICE, ATF have all there 40’s been checked? They should lead by example and check all the governments’ guns first and make these finding available to the public. Also what happened to the presumption of being innocent till proven guilty and the Fourth Amendment? Seems like they should be doing real INVESTIGATIONS and look at EVIDENCE and do some DETECTIVE WORK before they go on a witch hunt.
If I got that letter I would in no way respond to it. I would not go to have it test fired; I would not call them in any way shape or form; I would not respond in any way without a warrant.
A little over a year ago I tipped off everyone that the larger sporting good stores that sold guns had every 4473 on computer. Anyone can look up a customer by name and see every firearm they purchased at that store. The program will also bring up everyone that has a firearm in X caliber and so on. This is simple, and fast and the information is right at their finger tips. I say that the killer isn't going to bring in the murder weapon to be tested. This is an end run on something else. The cops know very well the killer isn't going to bring in the murder weapon. I would like to know what this is really all about.
Here in Oregon the Brady check goes thru the State Police. They always ask for name, address, make/model/serial number of gun. That all goes into a DB for 5 years. But of course they say it's not "registration."
You know.... if I lived there and owned a .40 Glock, I might be persuaded to go along with this.
All it would really take is proof acceptable to me they had already tested every .40 Glock owned by or issued to every single police officer and government employee in the state.
Acceptable would mean I get to watch the testing happen with my own eyes.
I was thinking the exact same thing... if one of those cops came up to me and asked to test a Glock .40, I'd make sure their's got tested first...
I wonder if they even thought about testing their Only One's Glocks. I guess I could write them a letter suggesting the idea.
The one fact we can agree on is, this seems to be strange. I'm sure the person who killed the two kids is going to willing bring their firearm in for testing on their own free will. Ain't going to happen. I'm sure the killer has broken their firearm into many pieces and will act like they can't find their firearm if a warrant is issued for every person who didn't bring their firearm in. This is going to be used as a way of proof to testing every firearm before its sold. Watch and see!
So what's the real point? To remove the folks who own .40's and then go after all the others. I wonder how they will go after the others? Court order and if they are not home or sleeping kick the doors down?
The hidden message here is that they were able to track down all these owners based solely on caliber and make of firearm. That is not supposed to be possible.
Given a serial number law enforcement has always (at least post 1968) been able to trace forward from manufacturer to retailer to owner, but they seem to have penetrated some database that by law should not exist if I understand current rules correctly.
And if I got that letter I'd comply willingly, just as soon as I'd installed the new barrel, firing pin, and polished up the bolt face a bit. Just so they could check a clean gun dontchaknow.
The ATF has been systematically going from gun shop to gun store and illegally copying the records.
What do you think they do with that information?
Everytime an FFL closes, they turn all their files into the ATF. What do you think happens to that information.
They have been given the green light to do what ever they want to. They love their jobs.
Remember that anyone that did not volunteer to bring their gun in to be tested is now part of the investigation. Hmmmmm.
This reminds me of a bumper sticker,"If your not outraged, you're not paying attention."
They are coming for you. If you don't get that, you haven't been paying attention.
Maybe you should start.
"That is not supposed to be possible."
Silly peasant, you believed the politicians, the batfags, and the nra?? Well, after all they did it for your own good, of course they keep records. And the republicrats, the brady bunch, and the nra are all part of the game. Remember the nra has endorsed every single fed law passed back to and including the "34 nfa act, so you know they REALLY "fight for your rights". They fight for you at the state level too, fighting "Vermont Carry" type proposals and state clubs that don't toe the party line every chance they get. Y'all don't forget to donate, and don't forget to vote for mccain, he'll have that nasty ol gunshow loophole closed in no time.
First it’s the Oklahoma DNA dragnets of 2004 and now firearms dragnets! After doing some research, it seems like the Oklahoman State Police use either .357 sig or .40 did they test all there guns first? What about other law enforcement agencies that use .40 cal. pistols have they been tested? What about federal agencies like the FBI, ICE, ATF have all there 40’s been checked? They should lead by example and check all the governments’ guns first and make these finding available to the public. Also what happened to the presumption of being innocent till proven guilty and the Fourth Amendment? Seems like they should be doing real INVESTIGATIONS and look at EVIDENCE and do some DETECTIVE WORK before they go on a witch hunt.
If I got that letter I would in no way respond to it. I would not go to have it test fired; I would not call them in any way shape or form; I would not respond in any way without a warrant.
5th amendment against self incrimination.
I would have responded. With a bold "NO", written across the face of their letter and sent back to them.
A little over a year ago I tipped off everyone that the larger sporting good stores that sold guns had every 4473 on computer. Anyone can look up a customer by name and see every firearm they purchased at that store. The program will also bring up everyone that has a firearm in X caliber and so on. This is simple, and fast and the information is right at their finger tips.
I say that the killer isn't going to bring in the murder weapon to be tested. This is an end run on something else. The cops know very well the killer isn't going to bring in the murder weapon. I would like to know what this is really all about.
Control, AvgJoe, control. and obedience training.
Here in Oregon the Brady check goes thru the State Police. They always ask for name, address, make/model/serial number of gun. That all goes into a DB for 5 years. But of course they say it's not "registration."
Perhaps OK has a similar setup?
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