Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Neat, Personable, Chatty and Helpful!

The kinder, gentler BATFU.


Anonymous said...

What flavor was the Kool-Aid at the BATFU booth.

Good grief! I gotta go puke!

Anonymous said...

They've had tables at the Birmingham AGCA show for years, decades in fact. I try to tell folks not to abuse 'em because the people who work the tables are not the enforcement agents, usually just office help.

Anecdotally, a friend of a friend recently had occasion to be victimized by local cops. The only bright spot in the whole sorry story (which I have not publicly jumped on because it doesn't serve the family's best interests or the victim's legal status YET) were the actions of the ATF agents called to the scene to go over the man's weapons. His wife reported that not only did they carry out their duties swiftly and competently (certifying there were no illegal weapons) but they were the only ones who treated this young mother of two with compassion. The same cannot be said for the local sheriff's deputies who acted abysmally and, I believe, unlawfully, throughout the entire episode.

As cartoonish as some ATF actions are, it is important to remember that all of them are real people, subject to the same impulses, good and bad, that we all are.

On the other hand, do not trust ANY opinion they may give verbally on ANY section of law or enforcement rules. It doesn't mean spit in the wind.

-- Vanderboegh III

Kent McManigal said...

I'm sure there were some friendly Nazis in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, too. Unless you were unlucky enough to be in their sights.

Remember, kidnappers often try to get their victims to identify with them; it makes their job easier.

Anonymous said...

None are "real people", they know damn well who they work for and what their friends do, they deserve nothing but disgust and to be shunned.