Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sarah Palin: So What?

American gun owners - as well as others in the ostensibly-rational conservative part of the political spectrum - have a great deal in common with victims of spousal/partner abuse.
Western Rifle Shooters Association expands on an observation by Billy Beck responding to Vin Suprynowicz. All raise points we need to consider.

WarOnGuns readers will note I've been generally positive in what I've said about Sarah Palin. Does that mean I'm softening and getting ready to endorse McCain?

I'm afraid you'll not see an endorsement from me. But a few considerations are at play here that I'll explain.

First, as I've asked before, "Why should someone with political aspirations ruin his chances by championing something as unsupported as gun rights?"

It may not be that big a deal in Alaska, but on the national stage, it's pretty remarkable. Gun owners deserve to know her position and she deserves us knowing.

Another theme I've raised is the moral implications of whatever we choose. Whether we compromise and go lesser of two evils, whether we sit on our hands, whether we go third party, it will affect the results--and we will share in responsibility for what follows if our decision helped enable it. That's why I always advise to vote your conscience. My conscience says if I'm to do so rationally, I need more information, not less.

With that in mind, look for me to talk more about Sarah Palin, and much of it will no doubt be positive. Look for me to provide a forum for people like Michael Dukes, who knows and supports her, for the reasons I've stated.

Plus, I have to admit I really am enjoying the way the Daily Kos/HuffPo left and their "Authorized Journalist" co-conspirators are going into increasingly desperate emotional meltdown, and the way Team Lightworker is funding an expedition of hit men to try and dig up something...anything... that might stick. Tell me if the GOP were doing this against Hillary that it wouldn't be decried as another paranoid republican witch hunt against women. When The Lightworker himself is reduced to pig and lipstick attacks, there's just something deliciously ironic and entertaining.

But all this aside, look at what WRSA has written. That's part of what we need to consider, too. Soberly, and with full understanding that what we do--or don't do--can have very real consequences.


Anonymous said...

What we do know is the position of Oboma and Barr on Second Amendment issues.

Anonymous said...

Some people are going to vote for Ms. Palin because she has XX chromosomes. Some are goong to vote for Obama because they want the first brown president.
I'm glad to hear the Obama camp is scrambling to find dirt on Palin. They SHOULD lose some of their cockiness and feeling of "mandate."
The dirt on Obama is already out there, but people are saying "But he'll be the first BROWN president!" Even though he's ideologically identical to (because he IS one) those people who have nearly killed our big cities, or liberty and our economy, he represents "change." Because of some melanin. He's about as black Michael Bloomberg.
If Ms. Palin is as represented, McCain would not have chosen her. Someone's being less than honest. But politics is an industry of PERCEPTIONS and APPEARANCES. You don't HAVE to fool all the people all the time, just 1% more voters than the other candidate.

Anonymous said...

I think voting for McCain-Lieberman would have been just as bad as voting for Obama.

But, with Palin on the ticket, there is a least a semblence of some recognition that government is supposed to be representative of the people.

And I don't think that voting to keep Obama out of the Whitehouse makes me an enabler of the anti-gun, anti-freedom, pro-statist politicians (of whom McCain has partnered with in the past).

Unfortuantely, thats our choice. We vote for the lessor of 2 evils.


The_Chef said...

Um defender.

Wasn't Bill Clinton the first brown President?

Anonymous said...

Why are you voting for ANYONE who is leasing evil?

Oh, you meant the lessEr as in not as evil as the other guy...

Yes, I am not being nice. However, perception is in many ways reality. By utilizing the wrong word, albeit through a spelling error, you do not appear to be of great intellect. Thus, you can be easily dismissed by many people.

As far as Palin goes. She is the VP candidate. It is very possible that she is as she seems. However, that does not mean that she will be able to effect any change. Face it the VP role really isn't that important. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if she did not survive the term if McCain is elected. She is more useful to McCain now if she is exactly what she appears.

Ken said...

Always know what you are doing and why you are doing it.


Jay21 said...

Just out of curiosity, how would the democrats react if McCains camp had responded "Now if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black?"

Anonymous said...

That so-called squad of hit men is as phony as the idea that Palin is a reformer or that she said no thanks to the Bridge to Nowhere.

Anonymous said...

They must really think we are idiots if they think putting a pro-gun(assuming she is pro-gun) person on the McCaine ticket is going to trick us into voting for that weasle McCaine.

Just how stupid are we supposed to be?


We shant fall for it this time. McCaine/Obama are one in the same.

Anonymous said...

It seems that no matter how "good" they are when they intially get to Washinton DC, once they've been there a little bit, they are ruined.

Something about all that power and its influence.

I would really rather have the enemy I know, than the enemy who pretends to be my friend.

Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. (Proverbs 27:6)

Suffice to say I don't trust any of them.