Sunday, October 05, 2008

Because of Obama...

...I'm inspired to shake my head in sadness and disbelief at how far the Republic has strayed from its ideals.

"Community organizing" in action. Good grief.

The public/private partnership that did this to these children is minimally guilty of child abuse. This is hardly the stuff from which free and rational sovereign individuals are made.

I think we've just been given a glimpse at what much of The Lightworker's proposed citizen "volunteer" corps will look like--at the beginning, until they can start be employed as community reorganizers...

That said, I can't wait for the remixes...


Anonymous said...

Oboma could be a real gift for the American people. His ideas are far from what real freedom Americans want. The folks that will be voting for him are bottom feeders and big city liberals. The American heartland isn't going to go along with this country's economy crashing because of his Marxist policies.
Oboma is going to start a new war, The War On Success. He's going to go after people who make over 60 grand a year and if you own a home over 2,400 square feet you will be taxed with a new federal tax for your carbon footprint.
A lot of people are going to be hurt by this Marxist, because people will understand in short order that someone who makes $30,000 a year isn't the one hiring them for full time employment.
The War on Success is going to really piss people off with money and they are going to see that people suffer for voting in Oboma. This backlash is being already talked about as a way to poison the bottom feeders way of freeloading lives.
This will make the decent American come together in way many never thought could ever happen. And yes changes will come, big changes.

Sean said...

Now I know how the whites in Rhodesia felt,circa 1984. And what a success Zimbabwe has become! From a self-sufficient nation, to one of murderous chaos, starvation, and the dispossesion of landholders. Socialism ist der Seig!

Loren said...
Here's you a start.

Anonymous said...

Come on Avgjoe.
There are plenty of things wrong with Barak Obama without lying about him: