Wednesday, October 01, 2008

L'etat, C'est Moi

[E]ven though he fought against changing term limits when he wasn't affected, Michael Bloomberg has decided that 'for the financial good of New York' he's going to fight to run for a third term.
It's good to be the king!


Anonymous said...

Typical actions of an elitist piece of shit. The laws are for the little people and not for us rich folks who can buy power to force you little folks to live the way we want you to live.

Anonymous said...

There's a poem I love that I read whenever I feel indespensable (which isn't often).
"Take a bucket of water, Put your hand in up to the wrist. And the hole that is left when you pull out your hand is the measure of how you'll be missed..."
We are seeing nothing less than nationwide attempts to become a hereditary aristocracy. And people are accepting it. "If they didn't know what they were doing, they wouldn't be rich and popular." It's the modern equivalent of the divine right of kings, set on the throne by God.
What's good for Mayor Bullmoose ISN'T good for the country. Guy named Adolf became rich and popular...

jon said...

"bloomberg was the mayor of new york city. bloomberg has always been the mayor of new york city."

Sean said...

Count Bloomberg intends to keep rising from the grave(NYC) and keep sucking the blood(or whatever) of the locals, "for their own good". He's got plenty of Renfields, and more than enough Igors. Of course, you know, the rates have gone up. Of course.