Wednesday, December 17, 2008

More on the Con-Con and a Rant

We talked about it here.

Chuck Baldwin explains why they're so dangerous.

I understand the Ohio vote has been delayed. None of the legislators saw fit to get back with me--I guess they thought I might be a bit peeved.

But here's a question for you, who come here regularly every day, because I presume you get some value out of it.

I asked readers to join me (I never ask for anything I don't give myself), to send an email. I even provided all the addresses.

How many did?

Apathy is the most frustrating thing I confront. It's a bigger threat than anything out there. And I have to wonder what someone will do if they won't even take a minute, literally, to send a simple email.

I've answered dismissals about "preaching to the choir" before, the first time, I believe, in my article "You Say You Want a Revolution?" published by GUNS AND AMMO back in 2001:
If only this assumption was true. We would be invincible!

The choir is comprised of the volunteers up there doing the work, singing. These are the people who learn the music and the words and the programs. They take significant time out from their demanding professional and personal lives to practice, to learn and to perform. And they’ll do it again next week, and the next.

The overwhelming majority of gun owners are, at best, spectators. They may occasionally attend a service, they may even put a couple dollars in the plate when it’s passed, but to actually put forth time, effort and financial support on a continued basis, to do real work and make real sacrifices, is something they typically find reasons for not doing.
So it takes a special person for me to acknowledge as being a choir member.

I'm also reminded of a quote from Mr. Churchill.

I bring this up because I see the vast majority of gun owners, maybe, say, 97%, dismissing "threepers," sometimes with great contempt. Just the other day I saw myself characterized with the words "spittle-flying screaming about all the 'cowards' that won't start killing jack-booted thugs at the issuance of a traffic ticket."

I approached my accuser privately (and politely, I might add) and asked to see where I've done that, or even anything close to it to make it a fair caricature. For some reason he won't reply.

For the record, I'm doing what I can, and have been for years, to work toward restoration of the Republic through petitions for redress, political involvement, the legal system, the media...

The ironic thing is, if we do reach the much-mischaracterized "Vanderboegh scenario," it will be because many who decried it the loudest didn't hold up their end of the deal and actually do concrete work toward those political and legal results they tell us will be our salvation.

The rant is almost over. At the risk of alienating and driving anyone away, I'll say this flat out: If you're not doing something proactive on a regular basis to try and promote Liberty/discourage tyranny, you're part of the problem. It's not my place to tell you what to do, it's your place to find something that enthuses you and do it.

This week and the next and the next....

[Via W-3]


Anonymous said...

OK, so now I'm a "scenario"? ;-) Well, that's better than some of the stuff the antisemites on KABA are calling me. ;-)x2

Your rant is on point, however, and well said.


Anonymous said...

Very well said. I too cannot understand how some gun owners sit idly by and can't be bothered to pick up a phone, write a letter, or send an email.

Anonymous said...

Was surprised to see we're 2 states from a con/con. Is there no time bar from the start of the call to achieving the states required? (I know, get out the Constitution) The ERA died due to a 7yr limit (if memory serves) on getting the right number of approvals.

Anonymous said...

Fortunately, the letter writing and petitioning the monsters in DC are not the only options, but that's about all I hear suggested.

Just so you know, I went that route for more than 30 years, an active member of the LP from before it WAS the "LP." I wrote the letters, chaired the committees, recruited the volunteers, gathered signatures, ad nausea.

And I wasn't alone.

After 30 years I saw my country even deeper into the shit than ever, and sinking fast. I finally faced the fact that you cannot petition the hurricane or plead with the train wreck! Political "solutions" are guaranteed to waste your time, money and energy in a futile fight against those who hate and despise you, and will gladly kill you to keep you enslaved.

What else can you do?

Recruit and train gun owners. Teach self defense and survival skills. Learn alternative medicine and practice it. Demonstrate in such ways, by your life and choices, that self government/ self responsibility is the ONLY viable alternative to tyranny and perpetual poverty or death by government.

David Codrea said...

MV, I happily torture the language as much as the next guy, but even I don't have the gall to clarify my intent using words like "Vanderboeghian"...:)

I Vanderboegh.

I Vanderboeghed.

I am Vanderboeghing.


Hey, I may just have enough gall to make that last one into a T-shirt...

Anonymous said...

No, Mike, you're just an adjective describing a scenario... ;-)

Oooh, verification word is "nativism!" How cool is that?

jon said...

i've decided my response to this is too long for a simple comment, david. however, i will admit that it is an admission of guilt. there's a twist, of course.

damn-it-all, but you (and yours) have finally prodded me to start my own damn blog.

god i hate that word. "blog."

Anonymous said...

I got an auto-reply and nothing else since. Does that count as a response? They must be getting swamped. I hope that's a good sign.

I'm not expecting a personal reply, so that's fine.