Tuesday, January 06, 2009

New Jersey Newspeak

Ready? Repeat after me:
War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.
They don't even try to hide it any more, do they?

[Via Amendment II Democrats]


Anonymous said...

Arbeit macht frei!

Anonymous said...

They don't have to anymore, David. The sheeple outnumber us patriots, and they buy this garbage because they want to.

Anonymous said...

When they start outlawing rocks, let me know. Biblical-style stonings may return in popularity.

Anonymous said...

Ya know what's f'ed up, if the sponsors of this Bill knew ANYTHING about existing NJ Statutes, they'd know that the ammo that's keeping them up at night, is already banned in the NJ.

Anonymous said...

Flim-Flam-Florio 'outlawed assault rifles' in '91. Oh, now we've got to redefine any and all weapons as 'assault weapons'.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter what the "sheeple" think. YOU either assert YOUR rights, or you have none.

There is no Galt's Gulch to which we can retreat. We can, however, declare our independence in place.

Say your prayers and perform PMCS.


Anonymous said...

Tell me again how many crimes have been committed with a .50 in the continental U.S.? Sorry speak up, I can't hear you... how many?

Anonymous said...

They can ban whatever they want. Criminals will still be able to get them. That means US, because to them we're all already criminals, unless we've been elected like them. So no worries. Might as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb, the old saying goes. If simple ownership of a particular gun is a felony, then why not use it as they fear we will? They and those like them suggest 90 days in jail for mere possession of a handgun without their special dispsation. One-fourth of a year. When you get out, your job is gone, your family is gone, your home, your savings too. Hey. The lightbulb goes on. We're THERE, baby. It's HERE. The criminals have lived that way for decades.