Monday, February 16, 2009

We're the Only Ones Bursting Enough

A lawsuit filed in Circuit Court that seeks $200,000 says two Chattanooga Police officers burst into the wrong house with guns drawn.

...It says the couple was held at gunpoint while the home was searched, placing them, their children, their spouses, nephews, nieces and grandchildren "in mortal fear."

The suit says, the officers left "after realizing they had made a mistake." [More]
What do you think would have happened had Mr. Brady grabbed a gun and repelled the errant "Only Ones," thinking they might be home invaders?

Oh, right...

[Via RCB]


Anonymous said...

You forgot to add this gem.
"though they did not have any kind of warrant."

I'd sue them to bankrupt that police department and call for the filing of charges breaking and entering against every police officer who set boot in that house.

Anonymous said...

They are suing.

If I were them, I'd offer to drop the suit in exchange for firing the officers responsible.

Anonymous said...

Chattanooga again.
I wouldn't sue. I'd teach. The subject would be "mortal fear."
Think about it. THEY tell us the way to keep our doors from being kicked in, our pets stomped and our kids shot in the back is to behave. Well, in the war on drugs and guns, dyslexia can be deadly. Wrong house. How can they assault the wrong house if there has been an investigations and enough evidence for an assault on the house? Oh, I see. A fishing expedition.