Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I'll See Your "Arsenal"...

...and I'll raise you a "spate". [More]

Oh, those kooky "Authorized Journalists."

[Via Brian F]


Jerry said...

Fox News also reported it in the same way. If that is an "arsenal", then most of us are sitting on a whole arms industry.

TXGunGeek said...

I ranted on this arsenal as well as the "automatic weapons" crap the MMM is putting out there concerning the latest rash of shootings. I really see these as THE EVENT we have all been waiting for.

Anonymous said...

Arsenal, my arse!!!

I rarely leave the property in my truck with less than everything this puke is said to have owned.

The dumbing down of society continues.

Anonymous said...

I strongly suspect the wankers would excrete a brick if presented with the contents of any of our gun safes.
Pity the article did not allow for comments.

Anonymous said...

I must have THREE "arsenals" in my closet-size gun safe, and 20 "caches" of ammunition in my "armory," which you and I would call a "closet."
Emotionally loaded words do not serve the TRUTH. This is the kind of "journalism" we expect from the tabloids. The boundaries are blurring. There's been a SPATE of irrational reporting lately. Maybe the government should step in and regulate it? (sarcasm)
Did you hear that Adidas has produced first-quality baseball caps with the communist red hammer-and-sickle of the former Soviet Union, and they sold out of them? I don't think it's out of nostalgia for the '80s. I also don't think Obama voters were "fooled." I think they understood his intent from the beginning.
WE know which way the wind is blowing today.