Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Black Star News Proclaims Infallibility on Guns

"Comment: I suppose it's not possible that you are, simply, wrong?"

"Editor's Note: No" [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column explores the foundations of prejudice: ignorant closed-mindedness and arrogance.

Also learn about three bills in Oregon and get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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Fits said...

I left a comment at BSN, and they deleted and edited it as to render my point unrecognizable even to me. Didn't just shorten the thing, they cherrypicked it.


straightarrow said...

Duh! Fits, what did you expect. One cannot debate the dishonest. One can only let them win or hurt them till they quit.

I have no intention of letting them win.

Tom said...

Posted there

Black Star News Hands off my guns gun supporters abuse Black Star News Editorial (just to make it easier to find via google)

You must be a subscriber to the Cass Sunstein brand of 1st amdt, that is where opposing viewpoints are silenced since I'm sure his recent plans to force linking to them wouldn't apply to your party.

National gun rights examiner if you want to see the truth behind the lies Milton continues to post. This comment will be left elsewhere as well to preserve a record so you can't continue pulling a Goebbels.

I'm sure if you allow this to post you will edit it heavily as you have other comments, to the point of changing the meaning and removing arguments against your fanatical belief.

Defender said...

I guess "God is on their side," too. You know. Gott Mit Uns.

W W Woodward said...

I got some good advice from my dad many years ago:

"Don't bother arguing with a man who already has his mind made up. You'll only succeed in wasting your time and in pissing him off."

You can lead an idiot to the truth but you can't make him see it.

Heinlein said something to the effect: "Ignorance can be cured. Stupidity is always fatal."

Let the poor raving lunatic die stupid. The sooner the better.