Friday, April 10, 2009

A Gathering of Vultures

Mayors to explore roots of mass violence [More]
You might start with socialist regimes headed by criminal mayors...

Oh, and looky here:
"As a country, we seem to be more interested in the origin of tainted pistachios, peanuts and ice cream than the people who are being killed in our cities," says Tom Cochran, executive director of the mayors' group."
Not even hiding the fact that you're directly ripping off Brady Campaign "People Dead-Send Money" talking points, are you, Tom?

And through the implied solution, you reveal the true agenda: "Recall" guns.

Try it.

[Via Ambiguous]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've linked to your post from Demoralized Enough Yet?

If now is not the time to stand on moral principles, then I don't know when it will ever be the time.