The implications here are clear: gun owners, and those who believe in the right to keep and bear arms are maniacs and lunatics, all to be judged based on the actions that took place here. [More]All the facts aren't in, but already blood-dancers in the media are demonizing gun owners who correctly believe Obama is a gun-grabber. I rarely do two Gun Rights Examiner columns in one day, particularly on a weekend, but this one requires immediate attention. Please share it's link with those who ought to know.
I am utterly surprised that nobody has commented on this yet.
First, what happened yesterday. Now today.
This one smells really fishy now. It's putting entire political groups into the bad part of the media spotlight now.
I am really starting to believe some kind of Reichstag madness is going on.
This isn't a coincidence. Any sane person can tell.
I have been commenting on it a lot... before the Binghamton massacre even occurred.
What was the original 911 call about???
The media keeps talking about his "fear that Obama was going to take his guns" but if you don't mind my asking, what does that have to do with the original 911 call?
I mean, did he say to himself, "Hmmm, BO is going to take my guns so I better shoot it out with the cops right now. Hey mom! Call the cops for me, will ya? I want to have a shootout."
Why isn't the media falling all over themselves to answer this question? They throw his "concern about gun rights" into the story and expect us to logically draw their conclusion from that inference??
I use my tinfoil for domestic kitchen projects but I have to say I'm starting to smell a rat ... at least the flies are buzzing.
These events have been happening more and more frequently the past few weeks. It's as though they are building to a crescendo. Hard to prove that some person or agency is orchestrating these shootings through a bunch of "Manchurian Candidates". Seems fantastic, on the surface, but why are so many happening NOW?
Somewhat related:
The Times-Dispatch newspaper in Richmond, Va., was one of two papers in the entire country to report the truth about the murders at the Appalachian School of Law in Grundy, Va. several years ago. Two students were deputies taking classes there, and as failing and known threatening student Peter Odighizuwa was shootin a professor and students, they went to their cars, where I guess sworn LEOS are allowed to have their guns on college campuses, and came back and aimed them at Odighizwa. Odighizuwa stopped shooting and dropped his gun. THEN othe students tackled him, the fact that the Times-Dispatch and the Greensboro NC paper reported.
Last Thursday, the Times-Dispatch fired half its total staff. Anti-gun Afrocentric socialist columnist Michael Paul Williams was not among them.
Local to Pittsburgh, listening to the PSH from the TV Talking heads.
His "Arsenal" was made up of: "AK-47 Assault Rifle" a "hunting rifle, a long 22 rifle" and a pistol
Video at the site sounds like a full line at the range just emptying magazines down range., No color cometary to let the people know that the cops were shooting, not the guy. Could here a few rifle shots., guessing from him. and a barrage returning.
150 cops, SWAT and Armored Personnel Carrier - hundreds of returned shots they got one hit in his leg. Bullet holes in neighbors houses from the returned fire.
Really talking about high power assault rifle and "high powered hunting rifle, long 22"
These bobbleheads on the news are sealing our fate.
"They were outgunned today, the guys on the street have the automatic weapons and the cops can't.. [missed some words] even Swat was outgunned maybe something will be done to even it out."
Feh, tired of listening to ththe misinformation and lies.
Serbian media rules of engagement.
I know a little about the Times-Dispatch, the official state newspaper. I have a friend who is one of the few left there. He assures me that not everyone who works in media is a leftist. There are gun owners, gun show regulars, constitutionalists, libertarians, patriots. Some of them were among the summarily terminated.
If you're a stockholder or "potential stockholder" ;) in Media General, the parent company, your dividends will go up by several cents because of this. You can email thank-yous to the following. Glennwood Proctor, executive editor, gproctor@timesdispatch.com. Daniel Finnegan, dfinnegan@timesdispatch.com, Thomas Silvestri,publisher, tsilvestri@ etc., and chairman J. Stewart Bryan, I guess at jsbryan@timesdispatch.com. Their addresses should be on www.timesdispatch.com Contact Us.
I hope you will indulge my friend and let this remain posted, Mr. Codrea. He is a three-percenter like you and me. He has survivor guilt at still having his job. He will be asked to do the jobs of three or more people; this is standard Media General practice. It didn't save the low-level writers and editors who did it for the good of the company. THIS is "journalistic ethics." There. There's the relevance, the tie-in.
You have a chance to be heard. When people tried to tell them that left-liberal-urban slant was not the way to go, they went that way even harder. Cause and effect.
The firings took place the day management was supposed to meet with the newsroom professional association to discuss "wage and benefit concessions and other labor-related matters."
A preemptive strike.
Former political writer Mike Hardy was forced to resign years ago because it came out that he sent $50 to a politician in his home state of Rhode Island. A conflict of interest. Then the managing editor who presided of that execution was herself met at the door on the way in and told she no longer worked there and escorted from the building. Then you have to make an appointment with HR so they can assign someone to watch you while you come back after hours and pick up your personal effects. You miught sabotage something, see. No trust. That's the media.
Peggy Bellows, or Margaret Bellows, is the fourth Horseman you can email your thanks to.
Anon @ 4/05/2009 10:22 AM DELETED
The reason this stuff gets deleted is because you have no right to barge into a site that I do the work to create and maintain, and put my name and reputation on, and hijack threads discussing topics I feel important to understand in order to present your own off-topic agenda.
It's rude, it's a form of trespassing and it's a form of theft.
If you wanted your topic discussed, you could have created your own website--blogspot is free, you know--and then sent me a link (I post my edress in the sidebar CV) with a request to give you a nod and a teaser to direct traffic your way--instead of presuming to take over what is MY online journal, not YOURS.
This inconsideration for the rights and property of others, and instead just misappropriating it to use the way YOU want to, is exactly what all those you decry in your post do.
I am going to do one thing for you--something I don't owe you. People who are curious to see what I deleted can find it here:
I will NOT let my work be hijacked by anyone. Off-topic comments will be deleted.
Everyone else--I do not wish to discuss this comment any further in this thread. Please help me maintain value to this site by staying on the topic of the post.
David. You're right. It was very long and I should have just posted a link to it. There was a mention in there to repost it so I did. I wasn't trying to storm your site. I understand your other points but I didn't write the whole article. Just the top part. I am sorry though. You seem like a smart and decent guy with a gun. It was nice of you to leave a link and not shoot me instead. Just kidding. thanks though.
The things I spent so much time commenting about on Friday are seeming less and less nutty are they not?
According to the AP account I read, the shooter "had feared the Obama gun ban" and "didn't like our rights being infringed upon."
I'm not easily rattled, but this is over the top.
Keep your powder dry, gents. We're in for a rough ride.
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