We've all seen the news about the Binghamton massacre. I followed it myself in real time yesterday on my online journal, The War on Guns, posting updates as reader/commentators there did the same.The antis will be out in force to use this against us--theyr'e already positioning themselves. It's important that we are able to counter their misdriection with facts and truth.
First, we don't know if the Taliban claim is true or merely Baituallah Mehsud giving yet one more reason why he deserves to be exterminated for being the evil vermin that he is.
So let's focus on what we do know...[More]
If you find today's Gun Rights Examiner column useful to that end, please use it. Please share the link.
Once the gun grabbing ball gets rolling it's going to be hard to stop. 2A Patriots can cite all the facts and works of John Lott and others whose names I cannot now recall, but the true believers of gun confiscation will not be swayed. Every study you can cite will be shot down by the flippant claim that it was a flawed study whether the person making that claim can back it up or not. The question now becomes how to persuade a true believer. The answer is that you can't. I think every gun owner should be writing a letter to his/her state and federal representatives to inform them of the facts as you understand them and to point out to them the less than truthful claims made by the gun confiscation faction. It might not hurt to also let them know that despite what the gun grabbers say you still feel safer knowing your .38/9 mm/.357/.45 is in the glove box, front shirt pocket, top drawer or where ever it is you keep it. In short, you are willing to take your chances as an armed citizen rather than an unarmed and helpless slave.
"It's important that we are able to counter their misdriection with facts and truth"_David
Sorry David, you know how much I admire you, your intellect, and your efforts to educate. I no longer think those things matter.
I think I wil rewrite your statement, "It's important that we are able to counter their misdriection with well aimed gunfire." I truly do not think anything else will make them see the moral utility of self defense tools.
I'd agree with you, SA, if I thought a good percentage of gun owners were doing what they could in this regard.
When TSHTF, it will be because too many apathetic, lazy, detached and opinionated fools did not even educate themselves, let alone do something with that knowledge.
If a tenth of the nation's estimated 80 million gun owners knew their rights and were committed to guard with jealous attention the public liberty, full-auto open carry would be a social norm.
Funny how the few times SWAT teams should actually be used, they sit on the sidelines and wait for the killers to do the job for them. How many of the dead bled to death waiting for help, while the cops had a circle jerk outside?
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