A gunman entered an immigration services center in downtown Binghamton on Friday, shot at least four people and took as many as 41 hostage, according to media reports.And there obviously wasn't anyone there who could deny giving him what he wanted. There obviously wasn't another "gunman."
Mayor Matthew Ryan told the Binghamton Press & Sun Bulletin that there was a hostage situation involving a gunman with a high-powered rifle.[More]
I'll do some checking around and will probably be updating this post later today.
Commentators--please feel free to act as correspondents and paste appropriate links.
Asian male.
This is where.
City council is all democrats.
Maurice Hinchey is their congressman. GOA gives him a D-.
The Bradys rate NY 6 out of 50. And naturally, they still give it a dismal score.
UPDATE: "As many as 12" shot.
Click here and refresh as needed for current headlines.
UPDATE: Fox News (TV) just reported he is in custody. Meaning when confronted by men with guns he wanted to live? Or was he incapacitated by men with guns?
UPDATE: Fox News (TV) just reported two Asian males taken away in handcuffs.
UPDATE: "At least 13 dead..."
UPDATE: "Two handguns were recovered at the scene..."
UPDATE: So far, no mention of this...

UPDATE: Fox News (TV) and MSNBC are reporting a dead lone gunman.
UPDATE: Jiverly Voong.
Police officials said two weapons have been found. According to one police report a 9 mm pistol was recovered as SWAT team officers entered the building.Per MSNBC, on in the background, he recently lost his job. From IBM.
UPDATE: Voong is apparently an alias. Some FBI profiler douchebag, Clint somebody, is giving the "Only One" speech against people being armed, saying it's a job for the police. I should know better than to have MSNBC on. They are getting ready to search his house. The pistols were permitted. That does not mean he had a CCW--but it doesn't mean he didn't.
UPDATE: 14 confirmed dead. Four in critical condition. It took police two minutes to get on scene following the 911 call, but they don't know how much time had elapsed from the time the shooting started until the call was made. Gov. Paterson made the obligatory When will we as a society do something? statement, but did not specifically mention gun control. Yet. The police chief now says there is no indication a rifle was used. They aren't positive the shooter is dead but have reason to believe it is him--from guns and ammo to the fact that his car is the one that was blocking the back door to keep people from escaping.
UPDATE: John Lott weighs in:
When will this simple fact about gun-free zones become part of the news coverage itself?
The FOX News story you linked to is now saying five people shot.
Do you suspect that this is a Islamic terrorist attack? Two asian males in custody, and not one news agency reporting "this is not a terrorist attack."
Although the police haven't said that it is a terrorist attack, they usually deny that it is before police are even on the scene.
Obviously we need to close the Asian Male loophole.
This is it gentlemen; the impetus for the next gun bans. Not a nursing home, not a family dispute, not a crazed white guy killing little kids, but an attack on an 'immigrant center'.
Heads up, the NRA A-rated Gillybrand will be the lead sponsor. And Schumer is cackling like a deranged hen...they don't even have to wait for the Columbine anniversary.
I'm in the 22nd district and have Hinchey as my rep. a real tool on government disarmament edicts. Paterson is on the way to Binghamton for news conference. Look for lots of anti gun leg. in NY soon. These bastards have been waiting for this a long time. Gilibrand will show her true gun stance here. Looks like lone gunman kills himself and the crisis is over, lots of pics of police hiding behind trees and shields. Heraldo reports "all over now, except for clean up".
AP said "high powered rifle".....before anyone had even seen any rifles...
Has anyone else noticed the uptick in the amount of mass shootings recently?
This stinks to high heaven.
Fox news commenter just mentioned "bullet spray" injuries. Assault weapon comments to follow soon. This will lead to calls for assault weapons ban in NY. WE HAVE ONE ALREADY. Another one can't hurt, right.
This is also ripe for cries of "anti-immigrant" violence.
Can we really ignore the possibility that the Bradys, etal, are actively involved in these Danses Macabre, now that they have a sympathetic ( or just plain pathetic) President?
It looks again like SWAT was useless and basically just secured the scene to enable the removal of bodies.
It truly boggles the mind that so few people can see the obvious correlation:
Totally disarmed victim zone due to all the anti-gun "laws."
Criminal who is perfectly willing to disregard all the anti-gun "laws," as well as the laws against murder and assault.
Lots of dead and injured people because they were all helpless to stop the criminal.
...and of course the shooter is dead...but only after doing his vile work...
"Has anyone else noticed the uptick in the amount of mass shootings recently?"
People lose it during depressions. Especially here and now, where the masses' ability to cope extends only far enough to reach the fingertips of the State's oustretched hand.
You've got to admit it's mighty convenient timing.
According to a man named William Cooper:
These shootings are "intended to foster a feeling of insecurity which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms. Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the anti-gun lobby. This plan is well underway, and so far is working perfectly. ... Couple [seratonin-boosting drugs such as Prozac] with posthypnotic suggestion or control through an electronic brain implant or microwave or E.L.F. intrusion and you get mass murder, ending in every case with the suicide of the perpetrator."
This was written in 1989.
I don't give a damn what anybody thinks about this "tinfoil hat" "kookiness." So go ahead and hurl invectives. It is by no means outside the realm of possibility, and if there's the slightest bit of truth to this it is spooky as hell.
Yup, I think conspipiracies happen all of the time- history shows us the reality of them.
Just as the US FERAL Government accuses people & organizations of constantly and with an increasing fervor.
CNN was claiming the gunman was armed with an -automatic weapon- long before anyone outside the building ever saw the perp(s). Typical.
Also, I note that the SWAT fellas are always brave enough to pull off 'dynamic entry' tactics when the victims are likely to be stoners zonked out on the couch- but, when faced with an actual threat, they cower behind their vehicles.
Also typical.
Retired NYPD Det. on Fox just opined that the "there is nothing you can do to stop these kind of shootings, short of having an off duty cop close by when trouble erupts." Boy where are all those off duty cops when you need one?
Three (3) things we need to stay on top of:
1, Disarment zone
2, Drugs was he on those damn mind controlling drugs that the rest of these kinds of murders are taking by their doctors advice. This is big because the liberals have caught on to this and do everything they can to hide and bury that information.
3, We he using a firearm that he wasn't allowed to have. If so all the gun laws were meaningless.
There's one thing that bothers me about this is the timing. This kind of thing has just taking off like I can't remember it every having happened.
Of course I feel sad for the people having lost their lives and the pain their loved ones are going to have to live with.
Monday is Gun Control Day in the New York legislature (yes, our assembly has one every year). They must be wetting themselves in anticipation.
I would never call anyone's theories or suspicions "tinfoil hats" or "conspiracy theories". I am the kind of person who takes so called "conspiracy theories" seriously, but will do a lot of research first.
Sometimes, what seems like the wackiest statements are actually the truth.
I think this is a secret agenda to begin the taking of our guns. It's just lke Reichstag. The recent shootings are not coincidences by all means.
The fire that consumed the German chancellory on a spring night of 1933 signalled the coming of the most deadliest storm ever witnessed by mankind. We must not fall victim to this kind of trap again.
Personally, I don't think these shootings are isolated events.
I deeply appreciate the objective thinking, sincerity and rationality of those who have commented. We are living in an age of deception. Critical thinking, an honest approach and serious, legitimate research are absolutely mandatory.
Incidentally, a former FBI investigator on Fox News just said that, in effect, crime in general -- i.e., robberies, theft, etc. -- does increase during economic downturns but NOT these types of mass shootings.
These events are very eerie. The VA Tech massacre was extremely eerie and, for lack of a better term, downright spooky.
Declan: that was Pat Brosnan. I have his exact words at my place.
Gov. Patterson thanked all the usual Organs of State Security. He forgot to thank the anti-gun lobby.
Whether or not there are more sinister forces at work here, these types of killing rampages are unquestionably being used to further the disarmament agenda. That's sinister enough in and of itself.
There ain't an organized conspiracy here folks.
This is the natural result of having victim disarmament zones ... they attract nutters like flies to crap.
As for "eerie" similarities, this is a natural result of giving these losers their fifteen minutes of fame, instead of the total anonymity they deserve.
The bradyites will ALWAYS dance in the blood of the slaughtered, and their policies assure an endless number of dance venues.
"There ain't an organized conspiracy here"
Qualify that.
You bet your ass the similarities are eerie.
These things almost always happen the EXACT same way.
That's called a pattern.
The technology and motives exist.
Have you read the title of David's blog? Well, it's true. There is, literally, a WAR on guns. Think about it in terms of actual warfare, and all bets are off.
I never said there was "a conspiracy," anyway.
By the way, I'm not trying to subvert this site, or discredit anyone or anything.
ALL possibilities ought to be considered.
Jiverly Voong is his name according to this site:
A friend is the RGV sent the link to me and also told me that the "Revolving Joy" is the first anagram that comes up when using that name.
Do you attribute some kind of significance to that anagram?
This makes my Examiner column of a few days ago seem prescient: "gun control" keeps on killing and killing and killing.... I tend to be suspicious of high correlations.
When he sent me the info, I did not see what he was saying at first, then I just put the name in a text editor by itself and the letters do seem strange- something off and understood why he ran it through an angram checker and "Revolving Joy" is a wierd one.
With all due respect, while the name is indeed unusual, the anagram is completely irrelevant.
Those claiming organization behind these events need to produce evidence, NOT those skeptical of such a conclusion.
I admit it's possible, and I admit that it's a tempting conclusion - but there's nothing supporting it. There's not a shred of evidence to point to this being anything other than the inevitable result of long-standing policies or even coincidence.
Incidentally, I didn't say the "similarities" were "eerie," either. I merely said these events are eerie. That VA Tech killer was freaky as hell. And, yes, I get that he was a psycho and psychos = spooky, but that's not what I mean.
You think these whackjobs just want "fifteen minutes of fame"?
Maybe that sick bastard Cho did -- he sent a publicity package to the media, for crying out loud.
But that does not explain the pattern. Not at all.
I also completely understand why people don't want to discuss this. I only brought this up here because it involves guns and because the people who comment here seem very level-headed, yet willing to discuss various issues that may not be acceptable in other circles.
I do not frequent "conspiracy"-oriented websites or forums as they invariably seem inhabited by exactly the kind of kooks that detractors use to label all so-called "conspiracy theorists."
Long comment. If you read it, cheers.
Did not say it was relevant, just passing along something from a man whose judgement and instincts I consider keen. I already blogged on it and said that it is best to wait for facts.
Cheers, WP
Mr. Higgins,
I wasn't "claiming organization" or trying to produce evidence. I didn't intend to start an argument, just an open discussion of a very controversial topic.
I simply mentioned a piece of writing from over twenty years ago which seems strikingly prescient.
I appreciate your willingness to concede the possibility that these types of murders are not what they seem.
Linh Phat Voong is the name now being suggested as the alias.
Also, I don't consider it a "tempting conclusion." It is, however, entirely. If not in today's incident, then in others.
To be honest, I am a die-hard skeptic towards most nonsensical, paranoid hysterical blather, and I absolutely cannot stand Alex Jones.
Really, there is very little to be accomplished by "proving" some "conspiracy" on an internet comment section. I just wanted to see what people thought.
That should be "entirely possible."
Most of the weapons I own would be illegal in the wretched state of New York. Funny, what will they say? "Assualt Weapons" are already banned there!
Say what you will about the police. At least they were there. No, I don't challenge the nature of time, that makes them less that useful in a situation like this, but if Paterson is making "what will society do" speeches, then I'm going after him specifically. (Figuratively speaking folks.)
Any movement that bullies the populace into surrendering their rights in exchange for safety--then blames in on the populace when its attempts to do so fail miserably--should have its reputation beaten mercilessly.
Imagine if you did that on your job. If you took money with a promise to complete a project, and you produced nothing of value, you would be fired!
Already, local and state officials and loudmouths are starting to express "outcry" over this case.
Gun-ban happy Biden has joined the gun control masturbation fest now.
Conspiracy or not, this latest incident has generated a shitstorm of incredible potency. The gun banners are laughing like crazy now. Apparently the day they had been waiting for, (and probably helped construct) has arrived.
I'll continue to update.
It is by no means this incident alone. These types of killing sprees have been happening for years.
People can only take so much.
No one expected total gun bans overnight. These shootings are nails in the coffin of private firearms ownership, and we may not know who is truly holding the hammer.
"Linh Phat Voong is the name now being suggested as the alias.
Ah--Halving Photon.
It doesn't hurt to discuss conspiracy scenarios in comments as long as they are not represented as fact without evidence. Of course, the insidious thing about most conspiracies is there is very little evidence--and very much pressure not to discuss them lest you be pegged a kook.
The kooks who proffer many conspiracy scenarios don't help. My pet theory on that is some of them are intentional disinformation promulgators. And I don't have a shred of hard evidence to prove that...:)
OK, y'all take a deep breath and get it together. Conspiracies by their very nature are difficult if not impossible to prove. Don't matter anyhow. We know there is a conspiracy in the MSM to manipulate every shooting in favor of the anti gun crowd.
The key for us in the choir is to express sympathy for this terrible tragedy and calmly instruct our less aware brethren that the Brady et al clamor for more controls is not only useless, but counter productive. Comment on line where you can, fill your friends in around the water cooler as well. And when anyone makes a claim that more gun control would have prevented this just ask them, "you mean like Mexico? They have strict gun control there and just killed more people in a single year that we've lost in the entire Iraq/Afgan war." Don't bash them, just respectfully ask them how disarming honest people will keep this from happening.
Well said, David.
I didn't want to "conspiratize" your blog. I don't even like to refer to these things as "conspiracies." It simply seems like a valid point for rational, informed and objective discussion.
I am completely aware that this is a highly controversial subject, to say the least.
My main point was to present for consideration that facts that the machinery and motives for manipulation exist, all these shootings follow a distinct pattern, invariably produce the same net result, and a reliable source actually wrote that this was going to happen twenty years ago when this kind of thing was virtually unheard of.
The implications are disturbing.
Like I said originally, if there is even some truth to this it is rather disquieting.
This guy was just layed off from IBM. There is a an enormous amount of pent up anger inside IBM. The company is moving all their US jobs overseas to India. Binghamton and Endicott are company towns. IBM is destroying the families in these towns.
ABC News is going to have a special next friday at 10pm called "If I Only Had A Gun". Most likely a gun control diatribe.
Uncle Lar, "conspiracies" very greatly in the degree to which they can be proven or not.
The whole idea of labeling certain topics as "a conspiracy" alters the way in which they're discussed and effectively destroys conversation concerning things that are factual as opposed to a "theory" or a "scenario."
Do the damn Democrats and liberals who have the nerve to call themselves "the government" get together and work and plan (conspire) to destroy our liberty? You bet they do. How hard is that to prove?
Does the Queen of England go down into the basement of Buckingham Palace and transform into a talking lizard from outer space?
Well, that's a little bit tougher. Just to be perfectly clear, that's the stupidest f***ing thing I've ever heard, but there's a guy out there who's gotten rich because people, I mean sheople believe it.
Because of this "conspiracy" crap, the lines between real malfeasance and the demented ramblings of deranged people and opportunists has never been more blurry.
There's no likely about it, Mike. It will absolutely be a spankin' new, spit-shined piece of liberal horseshit aimed at pounding another nail into the coffin of private firearms ownership.
By the way, are you implying that because this guy lost his job at IBM he went down to the immigrant aid center and began coldly executing all those people?
I believe in conspiracy merely because I can't imagine the people in power NOT employing whatever means necessary to maintain and strengthen their hold on power.
Someone should look at the psychiatrists who were "treating" these gunmen.
Look at Dunblane. Look at Port Arthur. Friggin George Soro's Open Society Group was meeting nearby at the time of the massacre, and were instrumental in getting the gun ban underway.
Cui Bono?
Armatus, well put.
I'm VERY open to conspiracy theories, but that's why I have to be particularly skeptical. I don't want to fall prey to my own prejudices. That being said, I still do not believe Oswald could have hit Kennedy under those circumstances.
The reason I think this is a situation of people letting their imaginations run away with them is because these various shootings are all, as best as I can tell, completely separate. There's no overlap in any way that suggests anything more than "lone gunman" situations.
John Higgins,
Which part? Haha!
I've been running my mouth like crazy on this one.
Again, my main point was to present for consideration that facts that the machinery and motives for manipulation exist, all these shootings follow a distinct pattern, invariably produce the same net result, and a reliable source actually wrote that this was going to happen twenty years ago when this kind of thing was virtually unheard of.
As far as this goes, it would be next to impossible to determine what if any extraordinary circumstances surround today's slaughter.
I tend to agree with cranky that it is difficult to "imagine the people in power NOT employing whatever means necessary" to win the war which is being waged against us.
Sometimes I think our basic decency can blind us to some of the more painful truths about our species.
NY Times reports that two handguns found on the gunman were legally registered under NY's Sullivan Law system. For me it just shows that NY's Sullivan Law is useless and should be abolished.
Look at it like this: What if the government through the FDA was working with the drug companies to get more doctors to feed these mind controlling drugs to people in hard hit economies through out the country. Knowing full well a few of these people are going to whack out on these drugs and go on killing sprees.
Look if the people in government are willing to tell lie after lie to destroy the Second Amendment so they can start ruling this country with the iron Marxist fist they have wet dreams about doing. You can bet your bottom dollar that they are jacking up the dose of this mind poison knowing they are making time bombs to crack and do this kind of thing. Its a numbers game and add a little wait and see.
What we need to do is make sure that if this killer was on the mind drugs its known as the cause of him going bonkers.
"A 42-year-old gunman is believed to have shot 13 people and himself in a premeditated attack at an American Civic Association building in Binghamton, about 290 kilometres north-west of New York City.
"It is the second shooting attack in the US this week, after a gunman killed six people in a nursing home in North Carolina on Sunday.
"It also comes after 10 people were killed in a shooting rampage by a gunman in Alabama last month." (abc.net)
This is what the enemy in the war on guns calls "windfall profits."
I'm so sick of this why-did-they-do-it rubbish. Who cares? Answering that question takes a team of mental health experts, and a team of professors to explain it to the general public. It isn't going to accomplish anything postmortem.
IBM deserves about as much blame for the murderer's mental condition as the people taking the citizenship classes deserve for the practice of outsourcing. In other words: none. IBM sold off their PC division to Lenovo years ago. Did that trigger mass murders across the country? No.
The explanation I want is why I have to run into a basement and risk being shot in the back, when I not only have the capability to fight back, but I'm guaranteed a right to live by the simple qualification that I'm alive, and that's supposed to be defended by my government.
I think that the only 'conspiracy' is that there are hundreds of thousands of people that are genuinely concerned about the amount of violence in society and don't know any better how to deal with it. On top of that there are thousands more that want people to be prostrate before government power, and they know that gun control doesn't actually work to reduce crime. So they incrementally introduce 'reasonable' controls, knowing that they won't work, and then demand more more more control when it's apparent that they don't work. And when people are actually given more freedom, these same people do all in their power to undermine how beneficial that is.
Hey. TJP.
Guess what? I care.
Answering that question takes a team of mental health experts, and a team of professors to explain it to the general public." Well! *dusts off hands* There we have it!
You're right about this: "Did that trigger mass murders across the country? No."
Oh, but should anyone discuss what has triggered mass murders across the country? Heaven forbid! Sheesh.
Why aren't mental health experts talking about the insane practice of being unarmed and allowing one's self to be disarmed by unconstitutional law? Why aren't they talking about the irrationality of allowing one mad man to determine life and death unimpeded? Why aren't they speaking of the psychotic break necessary for anyone to advocate for more helplessness as self-defense?
So yeah, there is a conspiracy. Nothing else can explain it. When all but one possible rationale have been discarded, the one remaining must be true.
Does the conspiracy extend to employing agents provocateur? I don't know. But I do believe if the difficulties of such a thing can be overcome, it would be done. That leaves the question to answer. Have those difficulties been overcome?
Gun control isn't about guns, it's about control. Those evil men and women who would control another human have no respect for their lives. To them , we are merely livestock, to be herded, sheared, worked or butchered for the herdsman's profit. Ergo, I posit that if the difficulties can be overcome they will be, or have already been.
Do not believe for a minute that some human decency affects those who call for our helplessness. Crocodile tears and phony emotion play well, until you see them call for more.
Lots of comments.
Have to add one more.
I can tell this is not a popular viewpoint, but it is impossible for me to believe these events are merely due to the "simple fact about gun-free zones."
Sorry, folks.
Everybody have a nice evening.
Missed your post, straightarrow.
Thank you for your lucid comments.
I am in total agreement with you.
That's why I broached the issue.
The big question is "Why did no one fight back?" Witnesses state that there were no screams, only gunshots. When it's 50 to 1, the man with a pistol stands no chance. If we must ask what madness has seized this man, we must also ask what madness had seized his victims. Why did they wait in silence for death?
The core problem is that people have been trained to believe that a man with a gun is an irresistible power, that there is no hope but to dial 911 and die. Why cower? Why comply? Grab a stapler, a shoe, anything! FIGHT BACK!
Hey, my local news weighed in with their expert analysis ...
weapons described as "heavy caliber automatics"
I guess "handguns" wasn't scary enough.
Guys, you're missing the main points:
(1) Victim disarmament zone
(2) All the news stories going out of their way to say "cops were on scene in under 2 minutes"
(3) Buried deep in only one story I saw did they reveal that - QUOTE - "Police heard no gunfire after they arrived but waited for about an hour before entering the building to make sure it was safe for officers"
See http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090404/ap_on_re_us/hostage_shooting;_ylt=AvuHD_D.Yx2PVdMXsD.tCnys0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTJoOGdtc2cwBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMDkwNDA0L2hvc3RhZ2Vfc2hvb3RpbmcEY3BvcwMxBHBvcwMzBHNlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcnkEc2xrA2Z1bGxuYnNwc3Rvcg--
While the parasites cowardly hid until the coast was clear to go in. I wonder how many people died in that hour that could have been saved.
Wasnt it Alan Crum, civilian, gun in hand, that cleared the way for officers to slay Charles Whitman in 1966?
Its a shame the hero trend didnt pick up with the same fervor the mass-murdering f**khead trend did.
My Theory Re Conspiracies
I collect conspiracy theories. I have volumes of ideas concerning a kaleidoscope of topics. Some seem plausible. Others are at the least fantastic. The terms canspiracy and conspiracy theory are worth examination.
A conspiracy is merely a plot. Usually it has a negative connotation and tends to be applied to a higher level of government behavior. Of course, it can mean acting in harmony toward a common end. You can add sweet or sour good or evil to taste. Certainly, we can work together to bring back the Republic. Others can conspire to destroy it. People could plan a bank heist. Some might put together a sweet sixteen party. We all should look at words and their meanings and see all the nuances. I believe we who are restoring the Republic do much more of that than the libs etc. We vary and celebrate such. They use the same old tired terms phrases and definitions ad nauseam. It's really pretty cut and dried.
Conspiracy theory is a different kettle of fish. It is almost always negative and is often used to discredit ideas 'outside' the supposed norm. Here is where the kaleidoscope rules.
To enter the world of conspiracy theories is to enter a maze. Look for something in particular, find a miasma. I collect them for their ingenuity and outlandishness. I also look for the truth, for that 'message in the ravioli'.
Be it JFK or 911 or so many other acts, there are so many opinions. I remember what my Psych prof/dept. head said about that. 'Opinions are like a$$holes, everybody has one.' And so it should be. Wouldn't want to erase individuality -s-. Those opinions can however be shaped by carefully crafted 'facts'. Some would say nonsense to that. Facts are facts. I say no. Facts are easily manipulated. For a public that accepts sound bites and capsulation of the 'news', there are many who are satisfied. 'Oh, this must be right. These authorities know what they are doing, etc.' I'd rather find out for myself.
Take a particular incident in history, JFK for instance. Pure fact is he was killed (Then again there are some who say he was wounded and has been kept in a 'home' -s-). From there it becomes, as I said, a maze. Was it just Oswald? Was it the Mafia? CIA? Johnson and a cabal of businessmen? Etc. Whatever the truth, it has been neatly tied up. We may never know exactly.
Look at the result of JFK's murder. What has happened as a result? We have progressively degenerated from the Republic for which he was President, to the full of holes democracy the pretender to the throne will 'rule' January 20. He dares btw to compare himself to Kennedy. I couldn't think of two people more apart though JFK wasn't perfect. Who is? More on that in Pale, a missive examing character. Those shots that took him out started a steady fracturing and deterioration that of course had been in the works probably since before the Republic and certainly progressed with Lincoln on through FDR. Along with Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King, it started the next severe robbery of civil rights aka '68 GCA.
All the what ifs, winding roads and intrigues, both mystical and political tend to obfuscate. They are the 'smoke and mirrors' that so often pepper our current fight with antigun liars who will do anything to enslave us. If we get lost in seemingly eternal what ifs and subsequent arguments, it keeps us from effecting change to reverse our downfall. Divide et Impara.
Focus. Concentrate. Find out what happened by all means. But know the RESULTS. Search for reasons but know that the main reason for JFK, 911 etal, is control. Means to an end.
We are being disarmed. We are not safer but we are more enslaved. These are the results of so much more that just two events in history.
Study history. Dig for facts. Be a student of human nature, of the struggle between good and evil, Freedom and slavery. And see what the endgame is now, has always been. Total subjugation of humanity. A matrix of control that would reach to the very depths and heights of all we are. The texture can vary, but the kernal of truth is simple.
I have my own conclusions re several events including JFK. There are scenarios. Games. Some are played out. They are tools to ensure that endgame of which I spoke.
Don't get lost in the maze of conspiracy theories. DO put together the pieces concerning outcomes. Cut through the barriers and get to the center. Then effect change. Those who would be our masters cannot stand against that.
ps: just noticed the verification this time is 'outer' cute!
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